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Impacting educator, visionary, catalyst of change, and policy maker with a wealth of academic and administrative expertise. Avid supporter of positive student experiences. Strong believer in liberal arts, impacting pedagogical approaches, and cross-boundary collaborations. Holds an extensive track record of building impacting academic initiatives, strong collaborations, and a welcoming culture of inclusion, excellence and creativity. Served in university-wide leadership at the American University in Cairo (AUC) as Vice-Chair of the University Senate, member of the senate executive committee, member of its standing committees, and Senate-Chair nominee. Former Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research of the School of Sciences and Engineering, director of its PhD program and head of the council of graduate program directors with a proven record of managing interdisciplinary programs. Served as chair of the AUC Council of Information Management, advising and reporting to the Vice President of Information Management on issues of governance, technology, and decision making. Elected member of the leadership of the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET as an Executive Committee member, and long-time commissioner and accreditation expert. Steering member of the international ACM/IEEE/AAAI taskforce to define decennial worldwide guidelines for computer science education. Editor of the flagship Communications of the ACM magazine. Current chair of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the American University in Cairo with a mandate of transformation. Above all, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering with significant industrial and governmental consultation experience. Received his prime education in Computer Science with interdisciplinary studies in Business Administration, Engineering Management, and Electrical Engineering. Participated in university-wide strategic planning, contributed intensively to the design and steering of multiple academic programs. Worked as a senior scientist of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Egyptian government, a Senior Member of Technical Staff for General Dynamics, a Research Scientist at Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore), and visiting scientist at the flagship National Institute of Standards and Technology in the United States. Worked as a Visiting Professor at the University of Ottawa, and Term Faculty at Carleton University. Recipient of numerous diverse national and international recognitions for outstanding performance including the AUC President’s Catalyst for Change Award, Google faculty research award, and the Egypt National Prize for Scientific Research. Has specific research interest in the interdisciplinary aspect of mobile and pervasive computing.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (5)
Professional activities (1)
Works (50 of 194)