Personal information


Funding (2)

Grubgrabian - Epigravettian - Magdalenian. Characterization of the late Upper Palaeolithic in eastern Central Europe (c. 23.000-14.000 calBP) based on the osseous tools

2021 to 2023 | Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn, DE)
GRANT_NUMBER: 442218485
Source: Self-asserted source
Sebastian J. Pfeifer

Raw material. Weapon. Prey: Comparative analysis of the osseous projectile technology of the Central European Magdalenian

2016 to 2019 | Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn, DE)
GRANT_NUMBER: 277455211
Source: Self-asserted source
Sebastian J. Pfeifer

Peer review (4 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Journal of archaeological science: Reports. (4)