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Works (4)

Exploiting Multihoming Capabilities in 5G-Enabled IoT Nodes

IEEE Access
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Rafael Fayos-Jordan; Santiago Felici-Castell; Jaume Segura-Garcia; Jose M. Alcaraz-Calero; Antonio Cervello-Duato
Source: check_circle

The PreProcessor module for the ATLAS Tile calorimeter at the HL-LHC

Frontiers in Detector Science and Technology
2023-09-19 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2813-8031
Contributors: A. Valero; F. Carrió; L. Fiorini; A. Cervelló; D. Hernandez; A. Ruiz Martinez
Source: Self-asserted source
Antonio Cervello Duato

The TileCal PreProcessor interface with the ATLAS global data acquisition system at the HL-LHC

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Antonio Cervelló; Fernando Carrió; Raimundo García; Julio Martos; Jesús Soret; José Torres; Alberto Valero
Source: check_circle

Intra- and Inter-Rater Reliability of Strength Measurements Using a Pull Hand-Held Dynamometer Fixed to the Examiner’s Body and Comparison with Push Dynamometry

2021-07-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Javier González-Rosalén; Josep Carles Benítez-Martínez; Francesc Medina-Mirapeix; Alba Cuerda-Del Pino; Antonio Cervelló; Rodrigo Martín-San Agustín
Source: check_circle
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