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Hernán Grecco studied Physics at the University of Buenos Aires where he also pursued his doctoral degree. He first specialized in experimental microscopy and optics, then turning this experience to the study of biological systems. During this time, he performed two research stays at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen, Germany) funded by DAAD. After obtaining a Ph.D. he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology (Dortmund, Germany) and later as a group leader at the same institute.
He is currently a Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and a Researcher at CONICET. He leads an interdisciplinary group focused on developing optical methods to quantify biological processes and study the mechanisms of spatial organization of living matter. From 2016 to 2011, his research group has been associated with the Max Planck Society (Germany). He collaborates with companies and NGO to develop science based-solutions for open problems. He is an active public communicator, participating in several outreach events and publications.
He has been chosen as one of the 5 young members Young Affiliate of 2013 by the “The World Academy of Sciences” (Trieste, Italy). In December 2013, he was awarded the “Stimulus Award” from the “Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales” (Buenos Aires, Argentina)}. In 2015 he was awarded the “Enrique Gaviola” prize from “Academia Nacional de Ciencias” (Córdoba, Argentina). Together with his group of, in 2015 and 2020 he received the “Innovating Award” in the “New Technologies in Scientific Research” category.