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Ângela Filipa Brochado, born in Barcelos, Braga, has an Integrated Master's Degree (07/2020) and a PhD (01/2025) in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Aveiro. She has worked as a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Aveiro, teaching Biostatistics, Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry, Mathematical Techniques for Big Data and a Seminar course. Currently, she has been involved as a Training Assistant for the industrial course “Analysis, Optimization & Benchmarking of Industrial and Logistics Processes", cooperating with companies such as Microplásticos S.A., HORSE Aveiro, Simoldes S.A., among others. She has published 4 articles in specialized journals, 2 articles in international conference proceedings and has 1 book chapter. During her PhD, she received 2 international awards and 1 national award. Currently she is also involved in the NEXUS project (analysis and digitalization of Logistics and Value Chain processes from the Port of Sines), merging the areas of Industrial Engineering and Management and Applied Mathematics. She also has experience in the Manufacturing industry through the Augmanity project. In her CV, the most frequent terms used to contextualize her scientific production are: Root Cause Analysis; Continuous Improvement; Performance Benchmarking; Bottleneck Identification; Logistics; Last-mile; Intermodal Transport; Multi-criteria Decision Making; Multi-directional Efficiency Analysis.


Education and qualifications (2)

University of Aveiro: Aveiro, PT

2020-11 to 2025-01 | PhD (Industrial Management and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ângela F. Brochado

University of Aveiro: Aveiro, PT

2018-09 to 2020-07 | Masters (Industrial Management and Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ângela F. Brochado

Professional activities (2)

University of Aveiro: Aveiro, PT

2022-02 to present | Professor of Biostatistics (Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ângela F. Brochado

University of Aveiro: Aveiro, PT

2021-09 to present | Professor of Linear Algebra & Analytical Geometry (Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ângela F. Brochado

Funding (2)

NEXUS - Pacto de Inovação – Transição Verde e Digital para Transportes, Logística e Mobilidade

2023-07 to present | Grant
PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (Aveiro, PT)

109/2023/BI/Agendas PRR

Source: Self-asserted source
Ângela F. Brochado

Augmented Humanity

2021-01 to 2024-01 | Grant
European Commission (Lisbon, PT)


Source: Self-asserted source
Ângela F. Brochado
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Computers & industrial engineering. (1)