Personal information
Has completed the Postgraduate Program at the Master's Program in Industrial Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta-Indonesia in 2021. Have graduated with a bachelor's degree in Textiles Engineering from the Institute of Textile Technology or Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil Bandung. Has experience at PT Indorama in process control production, has experience at PT Grand Textile in process control production & Quality Assurance, has experience at PT YKK Zipper Indonesia in Process Production Engineering and Quality Assurance, experience at PT Gunze Socks Indonesia as QC, Production, PPIC, Marketing, and Subcont (Supply Chain Management) as Manager, and have been working in a company engaged in customer goods in Cikarang Bekasi Indonesia as SCM Manager. Currently working as an Assessor BNSP and professional trainer and since 2022 working as a lecturer at one of the universities in Bekasi. His research interests include quality, productivity, warehouse management, supply chain management, simulation, optimization, reliability, PDCA, SPC, DMAIC, Lean Six Sigma, Sustainability Management, TPM, and Industry 4.0.