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Works (7)

Confirming resistance to PPO-inhibiting herbicides applied preemergence and postemergence in a Georgia Palmer amaranth population

Weed Technology
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Taylor Randell-Singleton; Lavesta C. Hand; Jenna C. Vance; Hannah E. Wright-Smith; A. Stanley Culpepper
Source: check_circle

Response of goosegrass, smooth crabgrass, and newly sprigged hybrid bermudagrass to postemergence herbicides

Weed Technology
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Navdeep Godara; Daewon Koo; Hannah Wright-Smith; Shawn D. Askew
Source: check_circle

Herbicide residue detection in cotton as influenced by time, drift rate, and sampling method

Weed Science
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannah E. Wright-Smith; A. Stanley Culpepper; Carrie R. Crabtree; Timothy L. Grey; Taylor M. Randell-Singleton; Jenna C. Vance
Source: check_circle

Transplant broccoli and collard response to the residual activity of glyphosate applied preplant

Weed Technology
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannah E. Wright-Smith; A. Stanley Culpepper; Taylor M. Randell-Singleton; Jenna C. Vance
Source: check_circle

Characterization of rice cultivar response to florpyrauxifen-benzyl

Weed Technology
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannah E. Wright; Jason K. Norsworthy; Trenton L. Roberts; Robert Scott; Jarrod Hardke; Edward E. Gbur
Source: check_circle

Use of florpyrauxifen‐benzyl in non‐flooded rice production systems

Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management
2021-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannah E. Wright; Jason K. Norsworthy; Trenton L. Roberts; Robert C. Scott; Jarrod T. Hardke; Edward E. Gbur
Source: check_circle

Rice Cultivar Response to Florpyrauxifen-Benzyl When Applied with Imazethapyr and a Cytochrome P450 Inhibitor

International Journal of Agronomy
2020-04-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannah E. Wright; Jason K. Norsworthy; Trenton L. Roberts; Robert C. Scott; Jarrod T. Hardke; Edward E. Gbur
Source: check_circle