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Professor Michael CHIA is a full professor of Paediatric Exercise Science (Education), a first for Singapore. His graduate and post-graduate training emanated from Loughborough University and Exeter University in the UK. His professional credentials include certifications from ACSM, BASES and the OBS in Hong Kong. He published and presented his research in more than 200 outlets including national and international position statements on guidelines for physical activity and youth development in sport. As an academic, he received multiple awards for his teaching, research and leadership roles. In recent times, his research featured on BBC World Service and the Straits Times in Singapore. He completed his NIE senior leadership appointments as the Academic Dean for Faculty Affairs and before that, the Head of Physical Education and Sports Science Group at the NIE. He has resumed his research and teaching duties from 2019. He enjoys his work and his play tremendously, oftentimes, confusing work and play as the same. Like many Singaporeans, he could do with more sleep!
Contact: Professor Michael CHIA, PhD, PPA, FMCCY; Physical Education and Sports Science Academic Group National Institute of Education, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616. Email:
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