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Liezel Tredoux is an Associate Professor in Tax Law at the University of South Africa (Unisa). She obtained the degrees BA (Law) (1996) and LLB (1998) from the University of Stellenbosch, LLM in Tax and Banking Law from the University of Pretoria (2003), and LLD from the University of Johannesburg (2019). She also holds a Certificate in International Tax Law from the University of Cape Town (with distinction) (2008), a Certificate in Outcomes-based Assessment in Higher Education and Open Distance Learning (with distinction) (2009) (Unisa) and a Law School Certificate (2001)(UP).
She was admitted as an attorney in 2001, and as an advocate in 2002. Her previous experience includes civil litigation as an admitted attorney and advocate as well as parttime lecturing at Damelin, the University of Pretoria and Bond University.
In 2008 Liezel joined the Mercantile Law Department of Unisa on a full-time basis, where she lectures Tax Law to undergraduate and postgraduate students. As the current Head of Tax Law, she provides leadership to her tax law colleagues and mentors junior staff members and students. She supervises LLM and LLD students in tax law and is involved in several community engagement projects which include moot court training, student debate training, tax law for entrepreneurs and training of disabled learners. Liezel has also been an external examiner for several tertiary institutions in South Africa (SU, UJ, UP, Wits, Zululand, UOVS) and is regularly invited to present guest lectures at the University of Johannesburg.
She has presented papers at national and international conferences and published articles in national and international journals. Liezel was a visiting scholar at several international universities, including the University of British Columbia in Vancouver Canada, the University of York in Toronto, Canada and the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, as well as the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She obtained a LLD for her thesis entitled "The taxation of company distributions in South Africa" from the University of Johannesburg. In her thesis she compared the South African, Canadian and Australian corporate tax systems and made suggestions for the improvement of the South African corporate tax system, focusing on the taxation of corporate profit. Her research interests include income tax, tax and emigration, international tax, corporate tax and estate planning, with specific focus on the foundational principles of tax jurisdiction, tax transparency, the taxation of cross-border investments (and distributions), and exit tax.
Liezel is the recipient of a Certificate for Academic Excellence (2019)(Unisa), the Dean’s Merit Bursary (2018)(UJ) and the Academic Qualification Improvement Programme (AQIP) Bursary (2014-2017) (Unisa). She is a former Deputy Editor of the South African Mercantile Law Journal and regularly conducts peer reviews for several accredited journals. She is a former member of the Law Society, Pretoria Society of Advocates and South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT). She is also a member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and also serves as member of the Scientific Committee of the African Tax Research Network (ATRN) housed by the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF). She currently serves as mentor to junior academics and students at Unisa and is also a mentor in the Gauteng Chapter of the South African Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges (SAC-IAWJ). She is also an Honorary Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society.