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Works (2)

Fibril structures of TFG protein mutants validate the identification of TFG as a disease-related amyloid protein by the IMPAcT method

PNAS Nexus
2023-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Gregory M Rosenberg; Romany Abskharon; David R Boyer; Peng Ge; Michael R Sawaya; David S Eisenberg; Yannis Yortsos
Source: check_circle

Increased body mass index is linked to systemic inflammation through altered chromatin co-accessibility in human preadipocytes

Nature Communications
2023-07-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Kristina M. Garske; Asha Kar; Caroline Comenho; Brunilda Balliu; David Z. Pan; Yash V. Bhagat; Gregory Rosenberg; Amogha Koka; Sankha Subhra Das; Zong Miao et al.
Source: check_circle