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Bioinformatics, inflammatory bowel disease, Immunology, Inflammation, Cytokines, Spatial Biology


​We are dissecting the cytokine network and determine which cells are producing or responding to a particular cytokine. One of our favourite molecule we are analysing is Interleukin-10. By inactivating the expression of Interleukin-10 in various cell types, we can determine the importance of a particular cell type in a given immunological response. By this approach, we could identify that T lymphocytes are the critical cells producing Interleukin-10 and thereby control the Immune system of the gut. Also, we now identified two crucial target cells in the gut for Interleukin-10, T cells and macrophages. For the latter, Steffen Jung and I received the first Lord Alliance price in 2015.​ Since August 2018 Werner Muller is now Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester and continues his scientific career at Miltenyi Biotec in research and development,


Employment (5)

Miltenyi Biotec BV & Co KG: Bergisch Gladbach, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE

2018-08-01 to present | Research Manager (Research and Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

University of Manchester: Manchester, Greater Manchester, GB

2016-08-01 to 2018-07-31 | Bill Ford Chair of Cellular Immunology (Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

University of Manchester: Manchester, Greater Manchester, GB

2006-10-01 to 2016-07-31 | Bill Ford Chair of Cellular Immunology (Faculty of Life Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung: Braunschweig, DE

2000-10-01 to 2008-10-01 | Department Head (Department of experimental Immunology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

University of Cologne: Cologne, DE

1987-06-01 to 2000-10-31 (Institute of Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Cologne: Cologne, DE

1987 | Dr. rer. nat. (Institute for Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

University of Cologne: Cologne, DE

1981 | Diplom-Biologe (Institute of Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

Professional activities (4)

Royal Society of Biology: London, GB

Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

British Society of Immunology: London, GB

Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

University of Manchester: Manchester, GB

2018-08-01 to present | Emeritus Professor (Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, School of Biological Sciences)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller

Academia Europaea: London, London, GB

2015 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Werner Muller