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Dr. Lahlali is a Research Associate Professor of Plant Pathology & Microbiology at the Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknes (ENA-Meknes, Morocco) since 2016. He obtained his BSc in Plant Protection from ENA-Meknes, and his MSc and PhD degrees in Agronomy and Biological Sciences with major Plant Pathology from Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech, University of Liege (Belgium). Dr. Lahlali worked as a Research Scientist in Plant Sciences at University of Saskatchewan (Canadian Light Source Inc.,) from 2012 to 2016 and he carried out several post-doctoral research positions in the Laboratory of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre (4 years as postdoctoral fellow and Biologist from 2009-2013) as well as in Plant Research Institute, University of Montreal (2 years from 2007-2009) and Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech, University of Liege (1 year from 2006-2007). Dr. Lahlali's Lab main research interests include the study of plant microbe interactions, phytomycology, biological control of plant diseases, molecular plant pathology, mechanisms involved in the plant's response to biotic stresses (fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes), and the application of molecular tools and Agri-tech (remote sensing) for plant diseases diagnosis and plant improvement. Dr. Lahlali authored and co-authored more than 166 peer-reviewed papers and 10 chapters (4 published and 6 under process), supervised more than 35 Masters Diploma, and 10 Doctorate (4 already graduated and 6 enrollment). Dr. Lahlali participated in many projects related to the field of Plant Pathology and Microbiology and plant microbes interaction at National and International levels (Core organic co-Fund-resberry, SIRAM Prima, Optimus prime, FoodLand H2020 projects). He is a reputed scientist in his field of research and served as Editor for BMC Microbiology, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers in Agronomy, Life, and Microbiology Insights and reviewer for several journals such as Plant Pathology, phytopathology, Crop Protection, Physiological and Molecular plant Pathology, Tropical Plant pathology, Plant Disease…etc. At ENAM, Dr. Lahlali teaches different courses including Introduction to Plant Pathology, Health security, General Plant Pathology, Phytopharmacy-Fungicides, Phytoepidemiology, Phytomycology, and Postharvest Plant Pathology and participate in supervising students at different levels.