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Works (8)

Chromosome-scale Reference Genome and RAD-based Genetic Map of Yellow Starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) Reveal Putative Structural Variation and QTL Associated With Invader Traits

Genome Biology and Evolution
2024-12-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Bryan Reatini; Jessie A Pelosi; F Alice Cang; Qiuyu Jiang; Michael T W McKibben; Michael S Barker; Loren H Rieseberg; Katrina M Dlugosch; Adam Eyre-Walker
Source: check_circle

Species‐tree topology impacts the inference of ancient whole‐genome duplications across the angiosperm phylogeny

American Journal of Botany
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael T. W. McKibben; Geoffrey Finch; Michael S. Barker
Source: check_circle

A comprehensive examination of Chelicerate genomes reveals no evidence for a whole genome duplication among spiders and scorpions

2024-02-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Gregg W.C. Thomas; Michael T.W. McKibben; Matthew W. Hahn; Michael S. Barker
Source: check_circle

SLEDGe: Inference of ancient whole genome duplications using machine learning

2024-01-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Brittany Sutherland; George Tiley; Zheng Li; Michael TW McKibben; Michael S. Barker
Source: Self-asserted source
Michael McKibben

Species Tree Topology Impacts the Inference of Ancient Whole-Genome Duplications Across the Angiosperm Phylogeny

2024-01-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Michael T. W. McKibben; Geoffrey Finch; Michael S. Barker
Source: check_circle

Chromosome-scale reference genome and RAD-based genetic map of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) reveal putative structural variation and QTL associated with invader traits

2022-09-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Bryan Reatini; Jessie A. Pelosi; F. Alice Cang; Qiuyu Jiang; Michael T. W. McKibben; Michael S. Barker; Loren H. Rieseberg; Katrina M. Dlugosch
Source: check_circle

Applying Machine Learning to Classify the Origins of Gene Duplications

2021-08-13 | Other
Contributors: Michael T.W. McKibben; Michael S. Barker
Source: check_circle

Genes derived from ancient polyploidy have higher genetic diversity and are associated with domestication in Brassica rapa

New Phytologist
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Xinshuai Qi; Hong An; Tara E. Hall; Chenlu Di; Paul D. Blischak; Michael T. W. McKibben; Yue Hao; Gavin C. Conant; J. Chris Pires; Michael S. Barker
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for American journal of botany. (1)