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Moksina Natalia Vladimirovna was born on 11 November 1965 in the village. Haragun Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district, Chita region, Russia. She graduated from the forestry faculty of the Siberian technological Institute(later-Siberian state technological University, which in 2016 entered the constituent University-Siberian state aerospace University. academician M. F. Reshetnev at the Department of plant breeding and gardening, in the specialty "Forestry" (engineer) is in Krasnoyarsk (1991). Associate Professor of selection and gardening Department OF Siberian state University. academician M. F. Reshetnev (since 1998)..Research interests in the field of cultivation of varietal planting material of fruit crops.. Scientific publications; Bratilova N. P. Maxine N. In.The variability of the maturation period, mass and size of fruits of different Apple cultivars in the Botanical garden of them. Sun.M. Krutovsky / Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasgau, 2017., vol. 6. - P. 32-36.
Authors articlesr
1. Bratilova N. P. Moksina N. V. Yanova M. M. Varietal characteristics and duration of storage of Apple trees in the Botanical garden. Sun. M. Krutovsky / Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasgau, 2008., vol. 6.- Pp. 181-184;.
2. Matveeva R. N., Butorova O. F, Moksina N. V. .Breeding for adaptation sustainable and productive varieties of Apple trees in the Botanical garden of them. Sun. M. Krutovsky / Bulletin of Altai state University, - Barnaul, - 2011.- C15-18.;
3. Moksina N. V.. Features of growth and fruiting Apple varieties White filling in the Botanical garden. Sun. M. Krutovsky / scientific Bulletin of the Belgorod state University, № 3 (98) 2011 issue 14/1, Belgorod, 2011. - P. 37-40;
4. Bratilova N. P. Repah M. V., Moksine N. V. The influence of varietal identity of Apple on the biochemical composition of fruits in the Botanical garden of them. Sun. M. Krutovsky / Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasgau, 2011., vol. 12.- P. 237-239 . ;
5. Bratilova N. P. Moksina N. V. Repyakh M. V. Influence of varietal characteristics of Apple growing in the Botanical garden. Sun.M. Krutovsky on the terms of fruit collection and the duration of their storage / Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasgau, 2012., vol. 6.- P. 193-195 . ;
6. Popova N. N... Matveeva R. N., Repyakh M. V., Moksina N. V. Hybridization of Apple trees for large fruit and early ripening / Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasgau, 2015., vol. 2. – P. 201 – 206;
7. Bratilova N. P. Moksina N. V. Gerasimova O.A., Chepeleva N. F/ .Terms of ripening and storage of fruits of different varieties of Apple trees in the Botanical garden. Sun. M. Krutovsky / Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasgau, 2015., vol. 11. - P. 146-150;
8. Bratilova N. P. Moksine N. V. The variability of the maturation period, mass and size of fruits of different Apple cultivars in the Botanical garden of them. Sun.M. Krutovsky / Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.- Krasnoyarsk: Krasgau, 2017., vol. 6. - P. 32-36. Et al.


Employment (1)

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology : Krasnoyarsk, RU

1991-09-18 to present | PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate professor (Institute of Forest Technologies, Department of Breeding and landscaping)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Moksina

Education and qualifications (1)

Siberian Institute of Technology: Krasnoyarsk, RU

1986-09-01 to 1991-06-11 | PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate professor (Forestry Faculty)
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Moksina

Works (1)

Selection of Half-Sib Species of the Genus Malus L. by Growth and Formation Parameters in the Suburban Area of Krasnoyarsk

Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal)
2022-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Natalia P. Bratilova; Natalia V. Moksina; Olga A. Gerasimova
Source: check_circle