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Research directions

1. Study of the physicochemical properties, structural&functional characteristics of enzymes promising for industry and biomedicine: proteases, glycoside hydrolases, lipases.
2. Study of the molecular mechanisms of functioning and features of the supramolecular organization of this enzymes using modern physicochemical methods of analysis: IR spectroscopy, ion exchange and gel chromatography, atomic force and electron microscopy in combination with in silico calculation methods.
3. Obtaining highly stable heterogeneous biocatalysts based on immobilized enzymes, as well as solving problems associated with methodological methods of immobilization, selection of carriers, and determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of catalysis.
4. Creation of new technological developments, design of reactors and development of more efficient heterogeneous prolonged biocatalysts for industry, medicine and analytical purposes.
5. Solving the problem of complex processing of tubers of inulin-containing plants in order to obtain highly concentrated fructose syrups, which are currently successfully used in the confectionery industry, in the clinical nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as for the prevention of caries and obesity.
6. Development of antibacterial biological preparations based on proteolytic enzymes that can not only suppress the growth of pathogens in the environment, but also prevent the formation of biofilms by them.