Personal information


Employment (6)

University of West Bohemia: Pilsen, CZ

2023-03 to present | Assoc. Prof. / Mechanical Engineering (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Department of Materials and Engineering Metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

COMTES FHT a.s.: Dobřany, CZ

2014-11 to present | Consultant (Metallurgical Technologies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

University of West Bohemia: Pilsen, CZ

2021-03 to 2023-02 | Head of Department (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Department of Material Science and Engineering Metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

University of West Bohemia: Pilsen, CZ

2015-02 to 2021-02 | Researcher / Lecturer (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Department of Material Science and Engineering Metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

PILSEN STEEL s.r.o.: Pilsen, CZ

2017-06 to 2019-09 | Head R&D (Technical Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

PILSEN STEEL s.r.o.: Pilsen, CZ

2006-09 to 2017-05 | Foundry Engineer (Technical Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

Education and qualifications (4)

University of West Bohemia: Pilsen, CZ

2022 to 2022 | Assoc. Prof. / Mechanical Engineering (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Department of materials and engineering metallurgy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

VSB - Technical university of Ostrava: Ostrava, CZ

2012 to 2015 | PhD. / Metallurgical Technology (Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering / Department of Metallurgy and Foundry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

VSB - Technical university of Ostrava: Ostrava, CZ

2010 to 2012 | MSc. / Metallurgical Engineering (Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering / Department of Foundry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal

VSB - Technical university of Ostrava: Ostrava, CZ

2007 to 2010 | BSc. / Metallurgical Engineering (Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering / Department of Foundry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Josef Odehnal