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Environmental control, Thermal Comfort, Room Acoustics,


Prof. Dr. Halil Zafer Alibaba

Research Interests: Energy Efficient Buildings, Thermal comfort, Daylighting, Building Construction,
Room Acoustics, Architectural Materials and Technology, Expert Systems in

Education: Eastern Mediterranean University, (Building Elements), Ph.D.

Work: Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture.

Eastern Mediterranean University
Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture
99628, Famagusta, North Cyprus, via Mersin 10 TURKEY
Tel: +90 392 630 1142

Halil Zafer Alibaba (M. Arch) was born in Nicosia at 1973. He finished preliminary, secondary and Lycee education in Nicosia as well.

He took ‘English Certificate’ of Brighton University in United Kingdom via preparatory school in Europen University of Lefke (EUL) in 1991. He took ‘Foundation Year Certificate of Architecture’ from Brighton University via faculty of architecture in EUL in 1992. He went for studying architecture in Brighton University via student exchange program in 1995. He is graduated from EUL faculty of architecture ‘Bachelor of Architecture’ with high honor in 1996.

His Ph.D. was titled as ‘An expert system for the selection of building elements during architectural design in 2003 and Master Thesis was titles as ‘An analysis of material supplier organizations in the construction sector of Northern Cyprus’ in 1998. Halil Zafer Alibaba is Assoc. Prof. Dr. in Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Architecture. He published more than thirty scientific papers, attended more than ten international conferences, and supervised two Ph.D thesis and ten master theses. He worked and finished two research projects in 2010 and 2003 years. He is currently making researches on energy efficient buildings, zero energy buildings, building physics, environmental science, building construction, sustainable construction, energy issues in design, solar architecture, room acoustics and expert systems in architecture.

Halil Zafer Alibaba he is married and has two sons. He can speak frequent English language.


Employment (1)

Eastern Mediterranean Unuversity-Faculty of Architecture: Famagusta, North Cyprus, TR

2009-01-15 to present | Prof.Dr. (Architecture)
Source: Self-asserted source
Halil Zafer Alibaba

Education and qualifications (1)

Eastern mediterranean Univeristy-Faculty of Architecture: Famagusta, North Cyprus, TR

2014-01-30 to present | Ph.D (Architecture)
Source: Self-asserted source
Halil Zafer Alibaba

Peer review (58 reviews for 7 publications/grants)

Review activity for Building and environment. (2)
Review activity for Energy and buildings. (24)
Review activity for Energy efficiency (2)
Review activity for Energy. (2)
Review activity for Journal of building engineering. (21)
Review activity for Renewable & sustainable energy reviews. (4)
Review activity for Sustainable cities and society. (3)