Personal information
Industrial Engineer in 2002. After carrying out different electrical, domestic and industrial works, he made small-scale solar photovoltaic installations and decided to create a company dedicated to the implementation of renewable energy systems, a task that he combined with the research line in Stirling engines and solar energy.
In 2005 he participated in the “Proyecto Singular Estratégico sobre Arquitectura Bioclimática y Frío Solar, ARFRISOL”. The Participation in this project has allowed him the publication of books and articles related to solar energy, as well as the participation in conferences related to bioclimatic architecture. During the following years he combined the research works in ARFRISOL with other 8 research projects related to Stirling engines, in some of which new prototypes have been built. The work developed in these projects has provided articles in scientific journals and presentations to specialized conferences, as well as the patent for a low differential temperature Stirling engine.
In 2011 he began working at Advanced Simulation Technologies, S.L., designing electric generators for renewable energy systems.
Simultaneously, he has participated in teaching under different contract types: intern, substitute professor and associate lecturer, currently he is a lecturer in the Department of Energy at University of Oviedo. Combining work in the company, teaching and research work at the university, he presented his Doctoral Thesis in November 2013.
Employment (1)
Works (22)