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Architect with Specialization in Urban Planning and Development (2010), Master in Theory and History of Architecture (2011) and International PhD with the recognition of Cum Laude (2015) by the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (ETSAUN).
During the degree, I started collaborating with the Department of Theory, Projects and Urbanism (TPU) as an internal student and participated as an assistant student in the Energy Section thanks to a Initiation Research Grant awarded by University of Navarra. After finishing the Architect degree, I attended the official Master posdegree related to the doctoral thesis about the history of urbanism. And in September 2011, I began the full development of the doctoral thesis within the field of Urban Design, thanks to the grant of the AsociaciĆ³n de Amigos of the University of Navarra.
During the elaboration of the thesis and after defending it, I have developed the research work in the ETSAUN and the School of Architecture and Allied Arts of the University of Oregon (USA) throughout two stays of four months each one (2013 and 2014). As a consequence, I have come developing the following research work which were presented to the ANECA obtaining the recognition of Profesor Ayudante Doctor in June 2016.
All the academic and investigation work is focused on the research lines I work: History and Theory of Urban Form and the Efficient Urban Project and Design. And I hope to continue its development in my future academic career.