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Works (14)

Correction to “Defining racial allies: A qualitative investigation of White allyship from the perspective of people of color” by Hinger et al. (2023).

Journal of Counseling Psychology
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Cassandra L. Hinger; Cirleen DeBlaere; Rebecca Gwira; Michelle Aiello; Arash Punjwani; Laura Cobourne; Ngoc Tran; Madison Lord; Jordan Mike; Carlton Green
Source: check_circle

School climate tolerant of sexual harassment is indirectly related to academic disengagement through peer sexual harassment and feeling safe in high school girls

Journal of Social Issues
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Alayne J. Ormerod; Tiffany Parisi; Cirleen DeBlaere; Lynda M. Sagrestano
Source: check_circle

Defining racial allies: A qualitative investigation of White allyship from the perspective of people of color.

Journal of Counseling Psychology
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Cassandra L. Hinger; Cirleen DeBlaere; Rebecca Gwira; Michelle Aiello; Arash Punjwani; Laura Cobourne; Ngoc Tran; Madison Lord; Jordan Mike; Carlton Green
Source: check_circle

Cultural Humility, Cultural Comfort, and Supervision Processes and Outcomes for BIPOC Supervisees

The Counseling Psychologist
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Melanie M. Wilcox; Stephanie Winkeljohn Black; Aisha Farra; Danielle Zimmerman; Joanna M. Drinane; Karen W. Tao; Cirleen DeBlaere; Joshua N. Hook; Don E. Davis; C. Edward Watkins, Jr et al.
Source: check_circle

Psychometric validation and extension of the LGBT people of Color Microaggressions Scale with a sample of sexual minority BIPOC college students.

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: David G. Zelaya; Cirleen DeBlaere; Brandon L. Velez
Source: check_circle

Religious relief: Exploring the role of religion and spirituality among a broad range of people living with HIV.

Spirituality in Clinical Practice
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Cameron W. Davis; Joshua N. Hook; Adam S. Hodge; Cirleen DeBlaere; Don E. Davis; Daryl R. Van Tongeren; Mark Vosvick
Source: check_circle

Multiple microaggressions and therapy outcomes: The indirect effects of cultural humility and working alliance with Black, Indigenous, women of color clients.

Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Cirleen DeBlaere; David G. Zelaya; Jhodi-Ann B. Dean; Caleb N. Chadwick; Don E. Davis; Joshua N. Hook; Jesse Owen
Source: check_circle

Intersectional forms of racism and sexual minority stress are associated with alcohol use among Latinx sexual minority men with greater Hispanic/Latinx cultural orientation

The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
2023-03-04 | Journal article
Contributors: David G. Zelaya; Robert Rosales; James J. Garcia; Oswaldo Moreno; Victor Figuereo; Christopher W. Kahler; Cirleen DeBlaere
Source: check_circle

Integrating spirituality as a multicultural component into time-limited psychotherapy: Two case studies.

Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephanie Winkeljohn Black; Joanna M. Drinane; Jesse Owen; Cirleen DeBlaere; Don Davis
Source: check_circle

Cultural Humility as a Spiritually Focused Intervention in Correctional Settings: The Role of Therapists’ Multicultural Orientation

Journal of Psychology and Theology
2019-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer Gafford; Tara C. Raines; Sree Sinha; Cirleen DeBlaere; Don E. Davis; Joshua N. Hook; Jesse Owen
Source: check_circle

Cultural Humility of Religious Communities and Well-Being in Sexual Minority Persons

Journal of Psychology and Theology
2019-09 | Journal article
Contributors: David K. Mosher; John M. McConnell; Joshua N. Hook; Laura E. Captari; Adam Hodge; Franco Dispenza; Cirleen DeBlaere; Don E. Davis; Daryl R. Van Tongeren
Source: check_circle

Predicting Attitudes towards Lesbians and Gay Men: The Effects of Social Conservatism, Religious Orientation, and Cultural Humility

Journal of Psychology and Theology
2019-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Elise Choe; Emily Srisarajivakul; Don E. Davis; Cirleen DeBlaere; Daryl R. Van Tongeren; Joshua N. Hook
Source: check_circle

Social Justice in Counseling Psychology: Then, Now, and Looking Forward

The Counseling Psychologist
2019-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Cirleen DeBlaere; Anneliese A. Singh; Melanie M. Wilcox; Kevin O. Cokley; Edward A. Delgado-Romero; Dominick A. Scalise; Lamise Shawahin
Source: check_circle

Cultural Humility with Religious and Spiritually Diverse Women of Color Clients: A Psychometric Analysis

Journal of Psychology and Theology
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Cirleen DeBlaere; Shola Shodiya-Zeumalt; Cassandra Hinger; Laura Cobourne; Don E. Davis; David G. Zelaya; Caleb N. Chadwick; Melissa Zeligman; Joshua N. Hook; Jesse Owen
Source: check_circle