Personal information
Professor Eshmaiel Ganjian is an esteemed expert in Civil Engineering Materials with a distinguished career spanning over three decades. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, specializing in concrete technology, from University of Leeds in 1991. Following his doctoral studies, Professor Ganjian held various academic and research positions at University of Leeds, the Building and Housing Research Centre, K.N. Toosi University of Technology in Tehran, and Coventry University. In 2021, after a successful academic career, he transitioned into a management role at Concrete Corrosion Tech Ltd, a consulting firm specializing in concrete technology and corrosion.
Throughout his career, Professor Ganjian has contributed significantly to the field of civil engineering. He has extensive experience working with consultancy firms, supervising major civil engineering projects, and ensuring quality control of concrete and mix designs for specialized applications. Since joining Coventry University's Faculty of Engineering in 1998, he has served as the principal investigator and project leader for numerous research initiatives. His work has focused on providing advanced expertise and training in Civil Engineering Materials, contributing to the success of various research projects.
Professor Ganjian has an impressive publication record, with over 250 works to his name, including 85 articles in leading journals, three major textbooks, and two patents. His current research aims to develop advanced, smart construction materials that are sustainable and environmentally friendly, positioning him at the forefront of innovation in Civil Engineering Materials.
A key figure in the international research community, Professor Ganjian is the founding member of the organizing committee for the International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT). Since its inception in 2007, this conference has become a prominent platform for researchers and industry professionals, accredited by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the American Concrete Institute (ACI), and supported by numerous national and international industries.
Professor Ganjian's primary research interests include the development of low-carbon cements, novel cementing materials and concrete incorporating by-products and waste materials, the utilization of mineral wastes in Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM), corrosion mitigation in chloride-contaminated reinforced concrete structures, the exploration of alternative fibers to replace asbestos in composite cement boards, and the development of instrumentation for road pavement layer evaluation.
Research Vision:
Professor Ganjian's research is focused on addressing critical environmental challenges in the construction industry, driven by the growing urgency of reducing the environmental impact of the built environment. His work is aimed at developing sustainable alternatives to traditional construction materials, particularly through the utilization of waste products. This research is of paramount importance to both industry and society, offering viable solutions to reduce the reliance on environmentally harmful materials and providing safer substitutes for hazardous materials, such as asbestos, in the developing world.
A significant innovation in Professor Ganjian's research is the complete replacement of conventional Portland cement with mineral industrial wastes to produce low to medium strength concrete, as protected under his patent (Patent No: 1307622.9). Additionally, his research has led to the development of cement boards containing syntactic and cellulose fibers derived from waste cardboard, offering an effective asbestos substitute. This advancement is also the subject of his patent (Patent No: 20100234491).