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Works (6)

The Journey to Serverless Migration: An Empirical Analysis of Intentions, Strategies, and Challenges

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Muhammad Hamza; Muhammad Azeem Akbar; Kari Smolander
Source: check_circle

Understanding Cost Dynamics of Serverless Computing: An Empirical Study

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Muhammad Hamza; Muhammad Azeem Akbar; Rafael Capilla
Source: check_circle

Robust framework to prioritize blockchain-based supply chain challenges: the fuzzy best-worst approach for multiple criteria decision-making

2024-10-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0368-492X
Contributors: Dr. Muhammad Shoaib; Shengzhong Zhang; Hassan Ali; Muhammad Azeem Akbar; Muhammad Hamza; Waheed Ur Rehman
Source: Self-asserted source
Muhammad Hamza

Human-AI Collaboration in Software Engineering: Lessons Learned from a Hands-On Workshop

2024-04-16 | Conference paper
Contributors: Muhammad Hamza; Dominik Siemon; Muhammad Azeem Akbar; Tahsinur Rahman
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Software Architecture Design of a Serverless System

2023-06-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Muhammad Hamza
Source: check_circle

Decision-Making Framework of Requirement Engineering Barriers in the Domain of Global Healthcare Information Systems

Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2022-02-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Muhammad Hamza; Muhammad Azeem Akbar; Abeer Abdulaziz Alsanad; Lulwah Alsuwaidan; Hatoon S. AlSagri; Halah Abdulaziz Al-Alshaikh; Maliha Kanwal; Naeem Jan
Source: check_circle