Personal information

seismic hazard, seismic risk, induced seismicity, RC structures, earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, seismic retrofit, wastewater injection


Iason Grigoratos is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, working on seismic hazard and risk assessment for geothermal energy projects. He holds a PhD in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology from the University School of Advanced Studies of Pavia (IUSS) under the supervision of Prof. P. Bazzurro (IUSS) and Prof. E. Rathje (University of Texas at Austin). In 2014, he received a European scholarship for the Master of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (MEEES), a program he completed at the University of Grenoble Alpes (France) and at IUSS (Italy). He also holds a MEng degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Patras (Greece), with a specialization in Structural Engineering.
Dr. Grigoratos has extensive research experience on earthquake catalogs, seismic hazard and risk analysis, and on seismicity triggered by the energy sector. He has participated in two projects funded by the European Commission and in one US project funded by the State of Texas and 18 industry partners. During his PhD, he spent 2 years as a visiting Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. He stayed there for his first postdoc, analyzing seismicity caused by oil and gas activities for the TexNet-CISR project. He is also a licensed structural engineer in Greece, where he has worked on the seismic design and retrofit of several buildings.
Finally, he has served as a reviewer for top international journals, such as Earthquake Spectra, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, and Frontiers in Earth Science.


Employment (2)

ETH Zurich: Zurich, CH

2021-07-01 to present | Postdoctoral Researcher (Swiss Seismological Service)
Source: Self-asserted source

The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX, US

2020-04-01 to 2021-07-01 | Postdoctoral Researcher (Bureau of Economic Geology)
Source: Self-asserted source

Education and qualifications (3)

University School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia: Pavia, PV, IT

2016-10 to 2020-03 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source

Université Grenoble Alpes: Saint-Martin-d'Heres, Rhône-Alpes, FR

2014 to 2016 | MSc
Source: Self-asserted source

University of Patras: Patras, GR

2009 to 2014 | MEng (Civil Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source

Works (13)

A generic seismic risk protocol for energy production sites

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Iason Grigoratos; Ryan Schultz; Janneke van Ginkel; Thanushika Gunatilake; Stefan Wiemer; Jorien L.N. van der Wal; Annemarie G. Muntendam-Bos
Source: check_circle

Modelling soil response at the national scale for Switzerland in the framework of risk assessment of induced seismicity

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Paolo Bergamo; Jaleena Sunny; Iason Grigoratos; Philippe Roth; Toni Kraft; Francesco Panzera; Stefan Wiemer
Source: check_circle

Variability of Seismicity Rates and Maximum Magnitude for Adjacent Hydraulic Stimulations

Seismological Research Letters
2025-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Grzegorz Kwiatek; Iason Grigoratos; Stefan Wiemer
Source: check_circle

Managing Induced Seismicity Risks From Enhanced Geothermal Systems: A Good Practice Guideline

Reviews of Geophysics
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Wen Zhou; Federica Lanza; Iason Grigoratos; Ryan Schultz; Julia Cousse; Evelina Trutnevyte; Annemarie Muntendam‐Bos; Stefan Wiemer
Source: check_circle

Thousands of Induced Earthquakes per Month in West Texas Detected Using EQCCT

2024-04-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Yangkang Chen; Alexandros Savvaidis; Omar M. Saad; Daniel Siervo; Guo-Chin Dino Huang; Yunfeng Chen; Iason Grigoratos; Sergey Fomel; Caroline Breton
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Homogenizing instrumental earthquake catalogs – a case study around the Dead Sea Transform Fault Zone

2023-11-07 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 2816-9387
Contributors: IASON GRIGORATOS; Valerio Poggi; Laurentiu Danciu; Ricardo Monteiro
Source: check_circle
McGill University Library & Archives
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Dynamic forecasting of the next largest earthquake during hydraulic fracturing stimulations

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Iason Grigoratos; Grzegorz Kwiatek; Stefan Wiemer
Source: check_circle

Time-dependent seismic hazard and risk due to wastewater injection in Oklahoma

Earthquake Spectra
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Iason Grigoratos; Paolo Bazzurro; Ellen Rathje; Alexandros Savvaidis
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

An updated parametric catalog of historical earthquakes around the Dead Sea Transform Fault Zone

Journal of Seismology
2020 | Journal article


Contributors: Grigoratos, I.; Poggi, V.; Danciu, L.; Rojo, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
IASON GRIGORATOS via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Earthquakes Induced by Wastewater Injection, Part I: Model Development and Hindcasting

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2020-10-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0037-1106
Part of ISSN: 1943-3573
Source: Self-asserted source
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Earthquakes Induced by Wastewater Injection, Part II: Statistical Evaluation of Causal Factors and Seismicity Rate Forecasting

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
2020-10-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0037-1106
Part of ISSN: 1943-3573
Source: Self-asserted source

Crowdsourcing Exposure Data for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in Developing Countries

Journal of Earthquake Engineering
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Grigoratos, I.; Monteiro, R.; Ceresa, P.; Di Meo, A.; Faravelli, M.; Borzi, B.
Source: Self-asserted source
IASON GRIGORATOS via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Development of A Fragility and Exposure Model for Palestine - Application to the City of Nablus

Procedia Engineering
2016 | Conference paper


Contributors: Grigoratos, I.; Dabeek, J.; Faravelli, M.; Di Meo, A.; Cerchiello, V.; Borzi, B.; Monteiro, R.; Ceresa, P.
Source: Self-asserted source
IASON GRIGORATOS via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Peer review (6 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for Earthquake spectra. (2)
Review activity for Journal of geophysical research. (2)
Review activity for Seismological research letters. (2)