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Mahmoud Owais is an Associate Professor in Transportation Planning and traffic engineering in Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University. He was born in 1/10/1987, El-Mansoura, Egypt. He graduated from Assiut University - faculty of Engineering in 2009. He obtained his M.S. in Transportation Planning, from the University of Assiut in 2011. He undertook his Ph.D. in Transit Planning, from the same University in 2014. He published some studies in well-reputed journals regarding transit planning and traffic sensor problems besides nominating as a reviewer by IEEE Transaction on ITS, IEEE Access and European Journal of Operational Research. He believes that Public transportation is very important means to reduce traffic problems. Therefore, He takes his major in public transportation planning. He developed a new methodology based on Meta-heuristic for Randomized Priority Search (Meta-RaPS) and Route Constructive Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) to solve the mass transit problem. Additionally, he is the first person to frame the Transit Network Design Problem completely under the umbrella of the Genetic Algorithm (GA). Innovatively, he also merged the results of a simulation of passengers at bus stops into the classic transit assignment models to achieve a balance between the simplicity and the reality of his model results. He also expanded his work to incorporate the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the traffic flow prediction. He simultaneously gains the academic and practical experience during his work years.
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