Personal information
Oct. 2008- 2022 Scientist in the lab for Transport at Nanoscale Interface, Empa
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials and Research, ETH Domain, Zurich (CH).
Since 2011 Responsible of the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) facility at Empa.
2011 - 2015 Responsible of the He- Focused Ion Beam (He-FIB) microscope at Empa.
Since 2009 Responsible of Electron Beam Induced (EBIC), and Optical Beam Inducer Resis-tance change (OBIRCH) scanning facilities for defect localization in semiconductor
Mar. 2004 - May 2008 Employed as PhD student in the Superconductivity and Magnetism Group of Prof. Dr. H. Keller, Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich.
Mar. 2004 - Mar. 2008 Teaching Assistent, Univerity of Zürich; lab-courses for physics students.
Jan. 2005 - May 2008 50% Employed at IBM Zürich Research Lab in the research staff of Storage & Memory Technology in the project of ”Resistance change memory”.