Personal information
Area of scientific activity:
- Monitoring and modelling of the behaviour of railway superstructures and its foundations;
- Study and characterisation of materials used for transport infrastructures;
- Support for planning, design, lay-out, construction and rehabilitation of railway lines;
- Support for quality management of railway projects.
Domain of specialisation:
- Railway track and its infrastructure;
- Numerical modelling of the behaviour of railway tracks;
- Instrumentation and monitoring of railway tracks;
- Unconventional solutions and emerging trends for rail track superstructures.
Current research interests:
- Morphological characterisation of aggregate particles by means of close-range photogrammetry
- Sustainable materials for transport infrastructures
- Railway track degradation behaviour;
- Transition zones in railway tracks;
- Instrumentation and monitoring of transport infrastructures;
- Mechanical characterisation of bound and unbound granular materials;
- Numerical modelling of railway track superstructure and substructure;
- Asset management of railway and road infrastructures.
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (2)
Funding (2)
Provided by PTCRIS: SFRH/BPD/107737/2015