Personal information
Professor & Founding Director, Recearch Center for Applied Mathematics and Machine Intelligence, Zhejiang Lab. (Jan. 2022 - Present)
Research expert, Zhejiang Lab. (Feb. 2021 - Dec. 2021)
Senior algorithm expert, Alibaba Group. (April 2020 - Feb. 2021)
Asso. Prof., School of Computer Science, Nanjing Univ. of Posts and Telecomm. (NUPT). ( July 2014 - April 2020)
Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). (Aug. 2016 - July 2017)
Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Technology, NUPT. (Dec. 2012 - July 2014)
Senior Engineer, Huawei Tech. Co., Ltd. (June 2012 - Dec. 2012)
Senior Research Fellow and Team Leader, Shenzhen Kuang-Chi Institute of Advanced Technology. (Nov. 2011 -
May 2012)
Research Fellow and Team Leader, Shenzhen Kuang-Chi Institute of Advanced Technology. (Sep. 2010 - Oct.2011)
Research Scholar, Duke University. (Feb. 2009 - July 2010)
Research Scholar, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI). (Feb. 2009 - March 2010)