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Works (3)

Erythropoietic protoporphyrias: Pathogenesis, diagnosis and management

Liver International
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Anna‐Elisabeth Minder; Louisa G. Kluijver; Jasmin Barman‐Aksözen; Elisabeth I. Minder; Janneke G. Langendonk
Source: check_circle

Beyond pigmentation: signs of liver protection during afamelanotide treatment in Swiss patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria, an observational study

Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease
2021-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Anna-Elisabeth Minder; Jasmin Barman-Aksoezen; Mathias Schmid; Elisabeth I. Minder; Henryk Zulewski; Christoph E. Minder; Xiaoye Schneider-Yin
Source: check_circle

Iron and erythropoietic porphyrias

2015-07-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Elisabeth I. Minder; Jasmin Barman-Aksözen
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Nature communications (1)