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Rajiv Mishra is a Professor at University of North Texas from Sept. 2011. Before that he served as Curators’ Professor of Metallurgical Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Missouri S&T. He is also the UNT Site Director of the NSF I/UCRC for Friction Stir Processing and a Fellow of ASM International. His highest degree is Ph.D. in Metallurgy from the University of Sheffield, UK (1988). He has received a number of awards which include: the Firth Pre-doctoral Fellowship from the University of Sheffield, the Brunton Medal for the best Ph.D. dissertation in the School of Materials from the University of Sheffield in 1988, the Young Metallurgist Award from the Indian Institute of Metals in 1993, Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1993, the Faculty Excellence Awards from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007, and co-recipient of Alexander Schwarzkopf Prize for Technological Innovation awarded to the Center for Friction Stir Processing by NSF-IUCRC Directors Association. He has authored or co-authored 264 papers in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings and is principal inventor of four U.S. patents. His current publication based h-index is 40 and his papers have been cited more than 6100 times. He has co-edited a book on friction stir welding and processing, and edited or co-edited twelve TMS conference proceedings. He is a co-author of a short book on Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welding published by Butterworth–Heinemann in Dec. 2013. He serves on the editorial board of Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, and Materials Science and Engineering A.