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Chemistry, Biochemistry, Enzymes, Environmental Chemistry, Organometallic synthesis, Phytochemistry, Biotransformation, Bioremediation


Dr. Pankaj Kumar Chaurasia, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor in the PG Department of Chemistry, L.S. College, Muzaffarpur (B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur). He has experience of teaching at Post Graduate (PG), Under Graduate (UG) and I.Sc. level. He has good academic as well as research career. He qualified ‘National Eligibility Test’ in 2009 as CSIR-JRF (NET) and has been awarded with SRF-NET in 2012. He received ‘Ph.D. degree’ in Chemistry from DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. He also worked as ‘Guest Faculty’ (2016-2017) in Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj (A Central University of India). He was awarded ‘Research Associateship’ by CSIR-New Delhi (India) in 2017 and worked as CSIR-RA in Motilal Nehru NIT, Allahabad/Prayagraaj (India). In his research career, he has ~70 total publications out of which ~45 journal publications, ~20 book chapters and 6 books and many of the publications are under pipeline. He is also guiding four Ph.D. research scholars. He has worked in different area of chemistry and has research expertise in biological chemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, enzymology, organometallic chemistry and environmental chemistry.