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Earth rotation, sea level change, time series analysis


Prof. Wiesław Kosek is currently retired and since 2021 a professor at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. He obtained his PhD in 1991 at the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, and a habilitation degree in 1998 from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. He was awarded the title of professor in 2011. From 2008 to 2020, he was the chief of the study groups "Time series analysis in geodesy" within the Intercommission Committee on Theory (ICCT) of the IAG. He has been an IAG Fellow since 2015. His scientific interests focus on the use of time series analysis methods for the analysis and forecasting of the Earth's rotation, the analysis of sea level changes, and the coordinates of the center of mass of the Earth.


Employment (1)

University of Life Sciences in Lublin: Lublin, Poland, PL

2021-10-01 to present | Profesor (Faculty of Production Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Wiesław Kosek

Education and qualifications (1)

Faculty of Production Engineering: Lublin, Poland, PL

2021-10-01 to present | Prof. (Environmental Engineering and Geodesy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Wiesław Kosek

Works (12)

Time-frequency and power-law noise analyzes of three GBAS solutions of a single GNSS station

Journal of Applied Geodesy
2024-12-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Zbigniew Siejka; Wiesław Kosek
Source: check_circle

Comparison of Amplitude Variations of Seasonal and Sub-Seasonal Oscillations in Length of Day and Total Solar Irradiance

Journal of Ecological Engineering
2020 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Justyna Gabryszuk; Wiesław Kosek
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

Study on the inter-annual hydrology-induced deformations in Europe using GRACE and hydrological models

Journal of Applied Geodesy
2020-11-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Artur Lenczuk; Grzegorz Leszczuk; Anna Klos; Wieslaw Kosek; Janusz Bogusz
Source: check_circle

Interannual and Intra-seasonal Oscillations in the Length of Day, Atmospheric Angular Momentum and Atmospheric Surface Pressure Time Series Observed at Chosen Meteorological Stations Near the Equator

2020-07-09 | Other
Contributors: Lihua Ma; Wieslaw Kosek; Yanben Han
Source: check_circle

Analysis of Systematic Errors in Geocenter Coordinates Determined From GNSS, SLR, DORIS, and GRACE

Pure and Applied Geophysics
2019-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0033-4553
Part of ISSN: 1420-9136
Source: Self-asserted source
Wiesław Kosek

Geodynamic Research at the Department of Planetary Geodesy, SRC PAS

Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics
2016 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Aleksander Brzezinski; Jolanta Nastula; Ryszard Zdunek; Małgorzata Wińska; Zbigniew Szczerbowski; Mieczysław Jóźwik; Janusz B. Zieliński; Marek Kaczorowski; Maciej Kalarus; Roman Wronowski et al.
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

Noise analysis of continuous GPS time series of selected EPN stations to investigate variations in stability of monument types

International Association of Geodesy Symposia
2016 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Anna Klos; Wiesław Kosek; Janusz Bogusz; Mariusz Figurski
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

On the handling of outliers in the GNSS time series by means of the noise and probability analysis

IAG Scientific Assembly 2013
2016 | Conference paper | Author


Contributors: Anna Klos; Wiesław Kosek; Janusz Bogusz; Mariusz Figurski
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

Earth Rotation and Geodynamics

Geodesy and Cartography
2015 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Aleksander Brzezinski; Jolanta Nastula; Wiesław Kosek; Janusz Bogusz
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

Irregular variations in the GPS time series by the probability and noise analysis

Survey Review
2015 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Anna Klos; Wiesław Kosek; Janusz Bogusz; Mariusz Figurski
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

Uncertainties of geodetic velocities from permanent GPS observations: Sudeten case study

Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia
2014 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Anna Klos; Wiesław Kosek; Janusz Bogusz; Mariusz Figurski
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

Wavelet decomposition in the Earth’s gravity field investigation

Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia
2013 | Journal article | Author


Contributors: Anna Klos; Wiesław Kosek; Janusz Bogusz
Source: check_circle
National Information Processing Institute

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Acta Geophysica. (1)
Review activity for International Association of Geodesy symposia. (1)