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He received his B.Sc. (1982) and M.Sc. (1986) in Physics from the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia) and his Dr.rer.nat. (1993) form the Technische Universität Berlin (Germany). At the present, he is titular professor for physics at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia branch Medellín and member of the research group on Optics. His scientific and academic interests concern optical subjects such as Coherence Theory, Metrology, Holography and Microscopy, optical field modeling and electron optics; he is also interested on the history of physics, particularly on the history of optics. His honors include the honor medal and the Academic Excellence Award of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the Regular Associate to the Abdus Salam International Centre for theoretical Physics (AS-ICTP), the Award to the integral work of a scientist (Colombian Academy of Sciences, 2011), the honor mention in the National (Colombian) Science Price from the Alejandro Angel Escobar Foundation. Currently, he is member of the Colombian Academy of Sciences and Senior of the Optical Society of America.