Personal information

Italian Literatutre, Italian women writing, Motherhood and Literature, Female historical novel


María Reyes Ferrer holds a B.A in English Studies from the University of Murcia and a B.A. in Italian Studies from the University of Salamanca. She completed her Ph.D. studies at the University of Sevilla with a thesis on Italian women writing and the historical novel. From 2009 she has been a lecturer Italian Studies in the University of Murcia where she teaches Italian language and culture. Her research interests include 20th and 21st century Italian women’s writing, motherhood studies and gender studies. She is part of the “Escritoras y Escrituras” research group (University of Sevilla), and she has participated in two national research projects about the absence of women writers in canonical literature (Ausencias. Escritoras Italianas Inéditas en la Querella de las Mujeres and Ausencias II. Escritoras Italianas Ineditas en la Querella de las Mujeres. Siglos XV al XX). She has published several contributions in national and international journals and academic volumes about Italian women writers and the topic of motherhood in literature.


Employment (1)

Universidad de Murcia: Murcia, Murcia, ES

2009-12-18 to present | Contratada Doctora (Filología Francesa, Románica, Italiana y Árabe)
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Reyes Ferrer