Personal information

colonialism, imperialism, Balkan-history, Austria-Hungary


Dr. Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics
Senior Research Fellow and leader of the Research team for Southeast European Studies
Eötvös Loránd Research Network (former: Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Research Centre for the Humanities
1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.

Scientific Fields of Interest
History of Albania, Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia in the 19th and 20th century, Balkan policy of Austria-Hungary, Nation- and state-building in the Balkans, Humanitarian Interventions on the Balkans, Colonialism of Austria-Hungary

Academic achievement
6/2008 Obtaining the PhD degree
9/2000 –
6/2008 Ph. D. Studies at the Doctoral School of Historical Sciences, Programme: 19th and 20th Century East European History at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest
9/1997 –
2/2003 Studies in Archive Sciences at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest
9/1995 –
8/2000 Studies in General History at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest

Professional Experience
5/2015 – Senior Research Fellow and leader of the Research team for Southeast European Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History (HAS RH IH)
9/2012 – Senior Research Fellow at HAS RH IH
12/2010 –
8/2012 Assistant professor at the Department of East European History at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE University)
9/2006 –
11/2010 Teaching assistant at the Department of East European History at ELTE University
2/2008 –
8/2010 Secretary at the Doctoral School of Historical Sciences at ELTE University
2/2006 –
8/2006 Archivist at the Budapest City Archive
10/2005 –
1/2006 Academic co-worker at the Library of the Albanian Institute at the Institute for East European History at the University of Vienna

Membership and editorial board
3/2018 – Member of the ‘Austrian Studies Association’
7/2013 – Member of the ’Albanian Institute’ housed in Munich (Albanien Institut)
5/2013 – Member of the Bulgarian-Hungarian Joint Academic Commission of Historians
2011 – Editor of the book series Edition Ungarische Geschichte, Berlin, Osteuropa-Zentrum Berlin-Verlag

Prizes and Awards
2008 Péter Hanák Award for Young Scholars of Central European History

Funding received
29–12/2014 DAAD-scholarship at the IOS in Regensburg, Germany – Project: The International Commission of Control in Albania 1913–1914
9/2011 – 8/2014 Bolyai-Scholarship of the HAS – Project: The first Albanian Nation-state in 1912–1914
3/2011 and 6/2010 Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Project (Vienna): Politics and Society in Late Ottoman Kosovo (1870 –1913). Academic co-worker in the project of Prof. Oliver J. Schmitt and Eva Anne Frantz
11/2004 –
4/2005 Scholarship for archive research, Ernst Mach-Stipendium (in Vienna)
10/2002 –
7/2003 DAAD-scholarship at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich for Studies in East and South-East European History and Albanian Language

Language Skills
German (fluent), Albanian (fluent), English (fluent), Italian (reading), Serbian (reading)

Invited presentations to peer reviewed, internationally established conferences and advanced schools
Convenor of the panel ‘The Frontier Orientalism-Concept of André Gingrich and Hungary.’ Paper entitled The (Unknown) Hungary and Its Orientalist Traditions at the conference entitled Austria and the East– 2018 Austrian Studies Association Conference, University of Vermont, Burlington (United States of America).

Paper entitled Translational Islam and the History of the ‘Islamic Community’ in Interwar Hungary. Research seminar and university lecture (‘Lecture-cum-Seminar’) for PhD-students and for the general public as part of the ERC-Project Muslims in Interwar Europe, at the KU Leuven, Leuven.

Convenor and chair of the panel Humanitarian interventions on the Balkans in the long 19th century. Paper entitled Austria–Hungary as a humanitarian interventionist: the Albania-Cause at the 5th European Congress of ENIUGH on World and Global History organised by CEU, HAS, Corvinus University, Hungarian Historian Society and Karl Polanyi Research Centre in Budapest.

Lecture entitled Ein zwangsläufiger Zusammenstoß? Der Gegensatz zwischen Österreich-Ungarn und Serbien 1912-1914 (Ringvorlesung) [An inevitable Clash? Conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia 1912-1914]. Organised by University of Vienna. University of Vienna, Vienna.

Paper entitled Die Internationale Kontrollkommission Albaniens (1913 – 1914) – eine Organisation der Großmächte, die den internationalen Frieden retten sollte [The International Commission of Control in Albania – An Organisation of the Great Powers, which should had to save the European Peace]. Research colloquium series entitled Neue Perspektive in der südost- und osteuropäischen Geschichte. Organised by IOS Regensburg. IOS, Regensburg.


Employment (1)

Eötvös Loránd Kutatási Hálózat: Budapest, HU

2012 to present | senior research fellow, leader of the Research team for South East European Studies (Research Centre for the Humanities)
Source: Self-asserted source
Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics

Education and qualifications (1)

Eötvös-Loránd-University: Budapest, HU

1995 to 2002 | Phd (BTK, Történeti Intézet)
Source: Self-asserted source
Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics

Works (3)

Discovering the Colonial Past of the Habsburg Monarchy

Historical Studies on Central Europe
2024-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics
Source: check_circle

Magyar protokoloniális kaland a századfordulós Albániában

2023-01-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics
Source: check_circle

„...újra kell gondolnunk az osztrák (és a magyar) történelmet az imperializmus és a kolonializmus szempontjából”

2023-01-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics
Source: check_circle