Personal information
Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1987), master's degree (1993) and doctorate (1995) in Human Pathology from FMRP, University of São Paulo, post-doctorate in Cardioneuropathology of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) (1997/1998) and doctorate in Scienze Anatomo-Patologiche/Università degli Studi di Milano (2000) in sudden death cardioneuropathology with emphasis on chronic Chagas’ heart disease and SIDS. In 1998, she joined the Department of Pathology at FMRPUSP as a teacher/researcher through a public exam. In October 2012, she obtained the Degree of Free Teaching and is currently an Associate Professor. Currently, she works with Pulmonary Pathology, Cardiovascular Pathology and Autopsy Pathology, acting mainly on the following themes: experimental pulmonary pathology, vascular pathology with emphasis on the pathogenesis of abdominal aneurysms, experimental cardiovascular pathology and general pathology.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (2)
Funding (12)