Personal information
Daniel Odion Iyinomen
B.Eng.(Hons), MSc, PhD, MIEAust, NER, CSME, TCSME, CEO Danospace Universe.
2019: PhD - Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA
2012: MSc - Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH, UNITED KINGDOM
2007: B.Eng. (Hons) - Materials & Production Engineering AMBROSE ALLI UNIVERSITY, EKPOMA, NIGERIA
Danospace Centre for Hypersonics
Planetary Entry Systems
Entry Surface Temperatures
Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
Ablation & Materials Response Models
Equilibrium Thermochemistry
Non-equilibrium Thermochemistry
Thermodynamic Models
Thermochemical Kinetic Models
Computational Fluid Dynamics
2019: Doctoral Research Excellence Award
Institute for Advanced Engineering & Space Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Australia.
PATENT: IP Australia Patent Number 2019205004: Novel Plasma Preheating Technology For Replicating Planetary Re-entry Surface Temperatures In Hypersonic Impulse Facilities.
Badge Holder: Member Institute of Engineers Australia (MIEAust), Australian National Engineering Registration (NER), Australian Society of Defence Engineering (ASDE), Australasian Fluid & Thermal Engineering Society (AFTES), American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA).
Badge Holder: World Education Services Canada: WASSC, B.Eng.(Hons), MSc, PhD.
Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME): Chair of Technical Committee for Environmental Engineering, Current Director and Member of CSME’s Board of Directors.
Canadian Science Publishing: Associate Editor and member Editorial Board of Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (TCSME).
1. Judging Assignments - American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA).
⮚ Reviewing students’ papers at the 2020 Region VII Student Paper Competition & AIAA Sydney Section Student Conference through the AIAA Honours & Awards Nominations, Scholarships, Student Competitions, & Educator Grants.
⮚ Reviewing students’ papers at the 2021 Region VII Student Paper Conference - Abstract & Final Paper Submission 2021 through the AIAA Honours & Awards Nominations.
2. Reviewer - 2nd ICES2021 award certificate for active contributions as a Scientific Reviewer.
3. Reviewer Fifth International Conference on Physics, Mathematics & Statistics May 21-23, 2022 Sanya, China.
4. Reviewer - Elsevier journals for International Journal of Thermofluids.
5. Reviewer - Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE June 2022 – Date.
Currently working and developing classified information driven through research and innovations that are critical to the future growth of aerospace research centres, aerospace companies, investors and government forces; in order to build a competitive edge, based on a high level of technical and managerial competence in a dynamic universe.