Personal information

Verified email domains

United States, Canada


Employment (4)

UCLA: Los Angeles, CA, US

2019-04-01 to present | Staff Research Associate (School of Nursing)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Medtech Global Ltd: South Melbourne, VIC, AU

2007-04 to 2009-10 | Support and Training Manager
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Columbia University: New York, NY, US

2002-08 to 2007-03 | Staff Associate of Research (Biostatistics and OB/GYN)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

McGill University: Montreal, Quebec, CA

2000-10 to 2002-01 | Laboratory Manager (Microbiology & Immunology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Education and qualifications (3)

Columbia University: New York, NY, US

2002-09 to 2005-12 | Master of Public Health (School of Public Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

McGill University: Montreal, Quebec, CA

1998-09 to 2001-01 | Master of Science (Microbiology & Immunology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Queen's University: Kingston, Ontario, CA

1993-09 to 1997-06 | Bachelor of Science, honours (Nursing and Life Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Works (8)

Myanmar migrants living along the Thailand-Myanmar border: Experiences related to pandemic and migration decisions

Journal of Migration and Health
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Wei-Ti Chen; Chengshi Shiu; Rachel H. Arbing; Khin Moe Myint; Khine Myint Oo; Shu-Sheng Lai; David Tanoko; Sarah Oung; Poy Yamada; Saiyud Moolphate et al.
Source: check_circle

A longitudinal network analysis of interaction factors among Chinese women at high risk for perinatal depression

2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Jun Huang; Yiyang Lin; Yanqing Fu; Zelin Xu; Huilan Hong; Rachel Arbing; Wei-Ti Chen; Anni Wang; Feifei Huang
Source: check_circle

Emergency Department Use by Women Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Women's health reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.)
2022-06-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Rachel HA Arbing
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Web-based data management for a phase II clinical trial in ALS.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases
2009-10-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Phase II trial of CoQ10 for ALS finds insufficient evidence to justify phase III.

Annals of neurology
2009-08-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Excellent inter-rater, intra-rater, and telephone-administered reliability of the ALSFRS-R in a multicenter clinical trial.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases
2007-02-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

Apoptosis in male germ cells in response to cyclin A1-deficiency and cell cycle arrest.

Biochemical Pharmacology
2003-10-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing

NK cell-mediated lysis of autologous human oligodendrocytes.

Journal of Neuroimmunology
2001-05-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Rachel HA Arbing