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Works (4)

Clinical Utility of Dual Anterior Nares and Oropharynx MRSA Screening PCR for Patients with Suspected Pneumonia

Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael A. Kessler; Sandip Biswas; Tsokyi Choera; Derrick J. Chen; Alexander J. Lepak
Source: check_circle

On the tip of my tongue: A 76‐year‐old female kidney transplant patient with tongue ulcer

Transplant Infectious Disease
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael A. Kessler; Emily L. Joachim; Damodaran Narayanan; Samar Medani; Andrew W. Urban; Sandesh Parajuli
Source: check_circle

HLH Associated with Disseminated Tuberculosis.

The New England journal of medicine
2020-04-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Michael Kessler

Beyond "Read More": An Intervention to Improve Faculty Written Feedback to Learners.

Journal of graduate medical education
2019-08-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Michael Kessler