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women's heatlh


Employment (6)

Private Practice: Ottawa, Ontario, CA

2022-05-01 to present | Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychologist, Clinical and School Psychologist (Brighter Future Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

University of Ottawa: Ottawa, ON, CA

2018-09-01 to present | Part time professor (School of Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board: Nepean, ON, CA

2021-07-01 to 2024-07-20 | School and Clinical Psychologist (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario: Ottawa, ON, CA

2021-07-26 to 2022-05-30 | Neuropsychologist - In supervision (BNCL)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Canadian Armed Forces: Gatineau, Québec, CA

2011-01 to 2022-02 | Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) – rank: Captain
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

University of Ottawa: Ottawa, ON, CA

2015-09 to 2020-04 | Teaching assistant (TA) (School of Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Ottawa: Ottawa, ON, CA

2015-09 to 2022-02-14 | Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (Behavioral Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

University of Ottawa: Ottawa, ON, CA

2012-09 to 2015-05 | B.Sc. in Psychology (Behavioral Neurosciences )
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Works (14)

Associations of reverse triiodothyronine serum levels with anxiety, depression, and health related quality of life after experiencing acute ischemic stroke

Frontiers in Neurology
2025-01-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1664-2295
Contributors: Saulius Taroza; Helene Plamondon; Aurelija Podlipskyte; Nijole Kazukauskiene; Nicolas Francisco Narvaez Linares; Marilou Poitras; Julius Burkauskas; Narseta Mickuviene
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Women with Myocardial Infarction Present Subtle Cognitive Difficulties on a Neuropsychological Battery After Exposure to a Social Stressor

Psychology Research and Behavior Management
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Marilou Poitras; Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares; Maude Lambert; Jeffrey N Browndyke; Hélène Plamondon
Source: check_circle

Predictive value of baseline cognitive functioning on health-related quality of life in individuals with coronary artery disease: a 5-year longitudinal study

European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
2022-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Nijole Kazukauskiene; Naomi A Fineberg; Adomas Bunevicius; Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares; Marilou Poitras; Helene Plamondon; Aiste Pranckeviciene; Julija Gecaite-Stonciene; Julija Brozaitiene; Giedrius Varoneckas et al.
Source: check_circle

PostPartum depression: Can a secondary preventative group therapy program help mothers to cope with their symptoms?

Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
2022-05-02 | Journal article | Author

Part of ISSN: 1929-7084
Contributors: Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares; Marie-Pier Vandette; Najat Firzly; MacAulay Mark; Tim Aubry
Source: check_circle
UBC Open Journal Systems Publishing Services

The impact of myocardial infarction on basal and stress-induced heart rate variability and cortisol secretion in women: A pilot study

Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: N.F. Narvaez Linares; K. Munelith-Souksanh; A.F.N. Tanguay; H. Plamondon
Source: check_circle

Neuropsychological Sequelae of Coronary Heart Disease in Women: A Systematic Review

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: N.F. Narvaez Linares; M. Poitras; J. Burkauskas; K. Nagaratnam; Z. Burr; P.R. Labelle; H. Plamondon
Source: check_circle

La mise en œuvre d’une évaluation des besoins pour un conseil scolaire minoritaire : Interventions psychologiques centrées sur les enfants et les adolescents et basées sur des données probantes

Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
2021-05-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0713-3936
Contributors: Najat Firzly; Nicolás Narvaez Linares; Georden Jones; Tim Aubry
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Clinical psychological assessment training issues in the COVID-19 era: A survey of the state of the field and considerations for moving forward.

Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Kristina M. Gicas; Theone S. E. Paterson; Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares; Wendy J. Loken Thornton
Source: check_circle

Time to SSTEP Forward - Recommendations to Promote Anti-Racist Clinical Practice

2020 | Magazine article
Contributors: Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

A systematic review of the Trier Social Stress Test methodology: Issues in promoting study comparison and replicable research

Neurobiology of Stress
2020-11 | Journal article
Contributors: N.F. Narvaez Linares; V. Charron; A.J. Ouimet; P.R. Labelle; H. Plamondon
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Twenty-five years later: How consistent are studies using the Trier Social Stress Test protocol - A Systematic Review of its methodology

2020-04-17 | Preprint
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Cerveau et comportement

deBoeck Supérieur
2019-05 | Book
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Is the Trier Social Stress Test used similarly across studies: A systematic review of the methodology

2019-02 | Conference poster
Part of ISSN: 0306-4530
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares

Activation of CRHR1 receptors regulates social and depressive-like behaviors and expression of BDNF and TrkB in mesocorticolimbic regions following global cerebral ischemia

Experimental Neurology
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: de la Tremblaye, P.B.; Linares, N.N.; Schock, S.; Plamondon, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎