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José Bidarra has a PhD in Educational Communications from Universidade Aberta (the Portuguese Open University), where he is currently Associate Professor with Habilitation in the Department of Education and Distance Learning. For many years he was head of the Informatics, Physics and Technology Section (SIFT) and has been director of Master and PhD programs. He is also co-author of the virtual pedagogical model used at Universidade Aberta. He is a collaborating researcher at UID-FCT nº 4372, Laboratory of Distance Education and eLearning (LE@D) - Universidade Aberta (Portugal) (
His current research interests focus mainly on the application of multimedia and digital media in distance education, including ebooks, games and simulations. Many of his master and doctorate students are developing new methodologies to engage learners in valuable experiences with digital media. Most of the research is conducted at Universidade Aberta and at CIAC (Center for the Arts and Communication Research, University of Algarve); other research includes a Honorary Fellowship at the Games, Learning and Society research unit, University of Wisconsin – Madison (USA), and frequent collaborations with European universities and networks: TU Graz, OU-NL, OU-UK, EADTU, EMPOWER, SmartLearning DK.
Scientific awards: Best Paper Award of IMCL 2014 - International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning. Winner of the sixth annual Excellence in Research Journal Awards, celebrating the best articles from the 2013 publications by IGI Global.
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (6)
Funding (19)
110345-CP1-2003-1-ES MINERVA-MPP
Works (50 of 178)
Bidarra, José; São Mamede, Henrique - Artificial intelligence and blockchain in online education. In Ubachs,George, ed. - "The envisioning report for empowering universities" [Em linha]. 3rd Ed. EADTU: Maastricht, 2019. ISBN 978-90-79730-37-7. p. 27-29
Bidarra, José; Lima, Eduardo - Ebooks interativos e multimédia no ensino a distância. In Dias, Paulo; Moreira, Darlinda; Mendes, António Quintas, coord. - "Inovar para a qualidade na educação digital" [em linha]. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 2019. (eUAb.
Bidarra, José; Lima, Eduardo - Ebooks interativos e multimédia no ensino a distância. In Dias, Paulo; Moreira, Darlinda; Mendes, António Quintas, coord. - "Inovar para a qualidade na educação digital" [em linha]. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 2019. (eUAb.
Rodrigues, Patrícia; Bidarra, José - Expanding the mosaic of transmedia learning experiences: application of a transmedia storyworld in ESL Formal Learning Environments. In Artech 2019. International Conference on Digital Arts, 9, Braga, 2019 - "Artech 20
Manhiça, Diana; Bidarra, José - Exploring the use of Facebook in the classroom: the case of a workshop on the history of cinema in Mozambique. In OOFHEC, Madrid, 2019 - " The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference [Em linha]: proceedings".
Manhiça, Diana; Bidarra, José - Exploring the use of Facebook in the classroom: the case of a workshop on the history of cinema in Mozambique. In OOFHEC, Madrid, 2019 - " The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference [Em linha]: proceedings".
Antunes, Elisa; Bidarra, José; Câmara, Alexandra Gago da - Isto não é um azulejo, apenas um remix digital. In Artech 2019. International Conference on Digital Arts, 9, Braga, 2019 - "Artech 2019 [Em linha]: proceedings". [S.l.]: Artech Internacional, 2019
Almeida, Igor; Bidarra, José - Pedagogia ativa com apoio num portal digital: o caso do projeto In Torres, Patrícia; Amante, Lúcia, org. - "Educação e tecnologias web [Em linha]: contributos de pesquisa luso-brasileiros". Curitiba: Appris E
Fernandes-Marcos A., Tavares M., Bidarra J., Martins A., Coelho J., Carvalho E., Saldanha A., Mucheroni M. (Eds.). “6º Retiro Doutoral em Média-Arte Digital – Ad Astra Per Aspera”, Livro de Bordo, Centro Cultural Magalhães Lima, Alfama, Lisboa, 21-27 julh
González-Perez, Alicia; et al. - Breaking barriers in learning math: architecture of the MILAGE Learn+ App. In ARTeFACTo 2018. International Conference on Transdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Technology and Society, 1, Lisboa, 2018 - "ARTeFACTo 2018" [Em li