Personal information
I, M Nadeem Zafar, was born in Sialkot of Punjab province of Pakistan ( In my early school years, I actively participated in different activities. In my free time I like playing cricket, badminton, football, cards. I like swimming and travelling very much. I like reading books and watching movies as my preferred hobbies. During matriculation, I got the first prize in an Islamic quiz competition at Sialkot district level. I got two merit scholarship awards during my MSc based on first year MSc results and during one year MPhil based on my MSc results. I won several travel grants to participate in many international and national conferences. I participated as speaker and invited speaker. I presented as author and plenary lecturer. I did my BSc with Chemistry, Zoology, Botany combination from Govt. Murray College Sialkot. The examination was conducted by Punjab University Lahore. In 2003, I was enrolled in MSc Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. My thesis title was “The use of protonated Rice bran for the sorption of nickel from aqueous solutions”. During my MSc research, I produced eight publications in International peer reviewed journals such as Journal of Hazardous Materials, Water, Air, Soil Pollution, Separation and Purification Technology etc. In 2006, I got admission in MPhil leading to PhD Chemistry at Institute of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Lahore. During this period, I completed the PhD course work with specialization in Analytical Chemistry. I also performed research work together with my colleague on the topic: Purification of metals from wastewater by distribution of charge over microelectrodes using newly designed free electrolytic diffusion approach. I successfully produced two publications in international peer reviewed journals (Journal of hazardous Materials and Separation and Purification Technology). In the mean while, I applied for higher education program for “PhD Overseas Scholarship Program”. After an intensive selection procedure based upon GRE-based test and Swedish faculty member’s panel interview, I was offered a scholarship for PhD in Analytical Chemistry in Sweden and naturally took no time in accepting it. I started my PhD in September 2007 at Department of Biochemistry/Analytical Chemistry, Lund University Sweden, under the supervision of Prof. Lo Gorton who was former head of Analytical Chemistry Department and is well known in the field of Bioelectrochemistry, Biosensors and Biofuel Cells. Lund University is one of the most renowned universities in Europe and among the top 100 in the world according to QS World University ranking. I defended my thesis in October 2011, well within the 4 years duration of the program titled “2nd and 3rd generation electrodes of biosensors and biofuel cells”. During my PhD, I published ten papers on high impact factor journals, such as Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Bioelectrochemistry, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, The Analyst etc. In total, I coauthored more than 115 publications on international peer-reviewed journals, which received more than 5080 citations, with H-index of 44. My latest impact factor is more than 550.