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Works (32)

Comparative Analyses of Van Nuys Prognostic Index and NCCN Guidelines in Ductal Carcinoma <i>In Situ</i> Treatment in a Brazilian Hospital

2025-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Marcelo Antonini; Raissa Naiara Alves de Barros Vasconcelos; Andre Mattar; Mariana Pollone Medeiros; Marina Teixeira; Andressa Gonçalves Amorim; Odair Ferraro; Larissa Chrispim de Oliveira; Marcellus do Nascimento Moreira Ramos; Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante et al.
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Oncological outcomes of breast-conserving surgery versus mastectomy following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in a contemporary multicenter cohort

Scientific Reports
2025-03-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante; Felipe Pereira Zerwes; Ryane Alcantara; Eduardo Camargo Millen; Andre Mattar; Marcelo Antonini; Anne Dominique Nascimento Lima; José Bines; Fabrício Palermo Brenelli; Guilherme Garcia Novita et al.
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Overall Survival and Economic Impact of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in Brazilian Public Health Care: A Real-World Study

JCO Global Oncology
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: André Mattar; Marcelo Antonini; Andressa Gonçalves Amorim; Marina Diógenes Teixeira; Cristiano Augusto Andrade de Resende; Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante; Felipe Zerwes; Renata Arakelian; Eduardo de Camargo Millen; Fabricio Palermo Brenelli et al.
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The relationship between body mass index and pathological complete response in Brazilian breast cancer patients

Scientific Reports
2025-02-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Fernanda Grace Bauk Richter; André Mattar; Marcelo Antonini; Marina Diógenes Teixeira; Andressa Gonçalves Amorim; Eduardo Camargo Millen; Fabricio Palermo Brenelli; Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante; Felipe Zerwes; Antonio Luiz Frasson et al.
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The use of blue dye alone for sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with initially node-positive breast cancer

European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; Souza, Alessandra Borba Anton; Ziegelmann, Patricia Klarmann; Alcantara, Ryane; Cardoso, Amanda; Mattar, Andre; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Frasson, Antonio Luiz
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Immediate prepectoral versus submuscular breast reconstruction in nipple-sparing mastectomy: a retrospective cohort analysis

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
2024-09-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante; Ticiane Oliveira Lima; Ryane Alcantara; Amanda Cardoso; Guilherme Novita; Felipe Zerwes; Eduardo Millen
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Immediate breast reconstruction and COVID-19 pandemic: the day after

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; Millen, Eduardo Camargo
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Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy for Early Breast Cancer: Less is More?

Annals of Surgical Oncology
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Garcia, Guilherme Novita
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Sentinel lymph node biopsy following neoadjuvant chemotherapy: an evidence-based review and recommendations for current practice

Chinese Clinical Oncology
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Novita, Guilherme Garcia; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; Mattar, Andre; Szymanski Machado, Rafael Henrique; Frasson, Antonio Luiz
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ASO Author Reflections: Positive Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer Surgery

Annals of Surgical Oncology
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel
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ASO Visual Abstract: The Attitudes of Brazilian Breast Surgeons on Axillary Management in Early Breast Cancer 10 Years After the ACOSOG Z0011 Trial First Publication

Annals of Surgical Oncology
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Zerwes, Felipe; Novita, Guilherme; de Souza, Alessandra Borba Anton; Reis, Joao Henrique Penna; de Oliveira Filho, Helio Rubens; de B. L. Limongi, Luciana Naira; de Assis Carvalho, Barbara Pace Silva; de Oliveira Freitas, Adriana Magalhaes et al.
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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Staging: An Analysis of Patients With Breast Cancer From a Community Practice in Brazil

JCO Global Oncology
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Resende, Cristiano A. A.; Fernandes Cruz, Heloisa M.; Costa e Silva, Matheus; Paes, Rafael D.; Dienstmann, Rodrigo; Barrios, Carlos H. E.; Goncalves, Aline C.; Cascelli, Fanny G. A.; Souto, Andreza K. B. A.; Oliveira, Leandro C. et al.
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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stage at diagnosis of patients with breast cancer: An analysis of 11,752 patients from Oncoclinicas

Journal of Clinical Oncology
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrade De Resende, Cristiano Augusto; Dienstmann, Rodrigo; Barrios, Carlos H.; Ferrari, Bruno Lemos; Goncalves, Aline Coelho; Cascelli, Fanny; Souto, Andreza Karine; Costa E Silva, Matheus; Cruz, Heloisa; Oliveira, Leandro Carvalho et al.
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Locoregional treatment in oligometastatic breast cancer: A case report and review of treatment approaches in the era of cyclin inhibitors

Current Problems in Cancer: Case Reports
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Koh, Samantha Shui Yuan; Pereira, Adriana Dantas Amaro; de Paula, Bruno Henrique Rala; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; McAdam, Karen
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Management of early-stage triple-negative breast cancer: recommendations of a panel of experts from the Brazilian Society of Mastology

BMC Cancer
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Freitas-Junior, Ruffo; de Oliveira, Vilmar Marques; Frasson, Antonio Luiz; Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Mansani, Fabio Postiglione; Mattar, Andre; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; de Oliveira Freitas, Adriana Magalhaes; Anton de Souza, Alessandra Borba; Damin, Andrea P. et al.
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Management of the positive sentinel lymph node following neoadjuvant chemotherapy: results of a survey conducted with breast surgeons

2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Zerwes, Felipe; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Novita, Guilherme; Anton de Souza, Alessandra Borba; Penna, Joao Henrique; de Oliveira Filho, Helio Rubens; Limongi, Luciana Naira de B. L.; Silva de Assis Carvalho, Barbara Pace; Freitas, Adriana Magalhaes de Oliveira et al.
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The Attitudes of Brazilian Breast Surgeons on Axillary Management in Early Breast Cancer-10 Years after the ACOSOG Z0011 Trial First Publication

Annals of Surgical Oncology
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Zerwes, Felipe; Novita, Guilherme; Anton de Souza, Alessandra Borba; Penna Reis, Joao Henrique; de Oliveira Filho, Helio Rubens; Limongi, Luciana Naira de B. L.; Silva de Assis Carvalho, Barbara Pace; de Oliveira Freitas, Adriana Magalhaes et al.
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Breast cancer and COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

Journal of Surgical Oncology
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Novita, Guilherme Garcia; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; de Oliveira, Vilmar Marques; Sousa, Ana Luiza Lima; Freitas Junior, Ruffo
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Management of early breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Novita, Guilherme Garcia; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; de Oliveira, Vilmar Marques; Sousa, Ana Luiza Lima; Freitas Junior, Ruffo
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Progress in Local Treatment of Breast Cancer: A Narrative Review

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia E Obstetrícia
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Zerwes, Felipe Pereira; Novita, Guilherme Garcia
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Role of Axillary Surgery After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

JCO Global Oncology
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel; Millen, Eduardo C.; Zerwes, Felipe P.; Novita, Guilherme G.
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Management of early breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

2020-07-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante; Guilherme Garcia Novita; Eduardo Camargo Millen; Felipe Pereira Zerwes; Vilmar Marques de Oliveira; Ana Luiza Lima Sousa; Ruffo Freitas Junior
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Intraoperative imprint cytology <i>versus </i>histological diagnosis for the detection of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy

2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Delgado-Bocanegra, Ronald Enrique; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; do Nascimento, Cristina Moreira; Bruno, Karine de Aguiar
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Correlation between cyclin D1, estrogen and progesterone receptors in invasive breast cancer after short-term treatment with tamoxifen or anastrozole

Cancer Research
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Millen, E. C.; Mattar, A.; Logullo, A. F.; Nonogaki, S.; Soares, F. A.; Gebrim, L. H.
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Five-year Survival and Prognostic Factors in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients Treated in Brazilian National Cancer Institute, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

European Journal of Cancer
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Bello, M.; Millen, E. C.; Carmo, P. A. O.; Motta, R. C.; Thuler, L. C. S.; Bergmann, A.
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Male breast cancer: Overall survival in a single institution

Cancer Research
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Bello, M. A.; Bergmann, A.; Costa, C. R. A.; Pinto, R. R.; Millen, E. C.; Thuler, L. C. S.; Bender, P. F. M.
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Nipple-sparing mastectomy: Evaluation of oncologic safety and aesthetic outcomes in 94 patients

Journal of Clinical Oncology
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Millen, E. C.; Pinto, R. R.; Menezes, L.; Almeida, F. C. O.; Novita, G.; Frasson, A. L.; Paula, B. H.; Cruz, M. R. D. S.
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Effects of short-time tamoxifen therapy on breast cancer apoptosis and cell cycle regulators

Cancer Research
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Madeira, M.; Millen, E. C.; Vivian, F.; Logullo, A. F.; Gebrim, L. H.
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Apoptotic index in breast carcinoma cells following tamoxifen treatment

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Millen, E. C.; da Silva, B. B.; Gebrim, L. H.
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Coexistence of axillary tuberculous lymphadenitis and ganglionic metastasis in mammary lobular carcinoma: a case report

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia E Obstetrícia
2005 | Journal article
Contributors: Linhares, Jose Juvenal; Millen, Eduardo Camargo; Antonini, Marcelo; Fagundes, Pedro Cesar; Falcao, Pedro Gustavo; de Araujo Neto, Joaquim Teodoro
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Correlation of estrogen/progestogen receptors and apoptosis in normal breast epithelium in pre-menopausal patients treated with tamoxifen

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
2004 | Journal article
Contributors: Madeira, M; Millen, EC; Doin, PF; Spironelli, I; Gebrim, LH
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Abdominal complications and sequelae after breast reconstruction with pedicled TRAM flap: Is there still an indication for pedicled TRAM in the year 2003?

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
2003 | Journal article
Contributors: Petit, JY; Rietjens, M; Garusi, C; Giraldo, A; De Lorenzi, F; Rey, P; Millen, EC; da Silva, BP; Bosco, R; Youssef, O
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Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. (1)