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Works (9)

Effect of amniotic suspension allograft in a rat destabilization of medial meniscus osteoarthritis model

Journal of Orthopaedic Research
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Katrina A. Harmon; Kelly A. Kimmerling; Katie C. Mowry
Source: check_circle

Hypothermically Stored Amnion Is Robust and Provides a Scaffold for Supporting Wound Healing by Retaining the Characteristics of Native Tissue

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2024-09-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Katrina A. Harmon; Kelly A. Kimmerling; Justin T. Avery; Katie C. Mowry
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Varying Properties of Extracellular Matrix Grafts Impact Their Durability and Cell Attachment and Proliferation in an In Vitro Chronic Wound Model

Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
2024-04-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Katrina A. Harmon; Miranda D. Burnette; Justin T. Avery; Kelly A. Kimmerling; Katie C. Mowry; Cherie L. Stabler
Source: check_circle

Retention of Key Characteristics of Unprocessed Chorion Tissue Resulting in a Robust Scaffold to Support Wound Healing

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Katrina A. Harmon; MaryRose Kammer; Justin T. Avery; Kelly A. Kimmerling; Katie C. Mowry
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Structural and Ultrastructural Analysis of the Multiple Myeloma Cell Niche and a Patient-Specific Model of Plasma Cell Dysfunction

Microscopy and Microanalysis
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14358115 14319276
Contributors: Harmon, K.A.; Roman, S.; Lancaster, H.D.; Chowhury, S.; Cull, E.; Goodwin, R.L.; Arce, S.; Fanning, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Katrina Harmon via Scopus - Elsevier

Autophagy and the Bone Marrow Microenvironment: A Review of Protective Factors in the Development and Maintenance of Multiple Myeloma

Frontiers in Immunology
2022-05-19 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1664-3224
Source: Self-asserted source
Katrina Harmon

Constitutive modeling of compressible type-I collagen hydrogels

Medical Engineering and Physics
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18734030 13504533
Contributors: Lane, B.A.; Harmon, K.A.; Goodwin, R.L.; Yost, M.J.; Shazly, T.; Eberth, J.F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Katrina Harmon via Scopus - Elsevier

Therapeutic Engineered Hydrogel Coatings Attenuate the Foreign Body Response in Submuscular Implants

Annals of plastic surgery
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15363708
Contributors: Harmon, K.A.; Lane, B.A.; Boone, R.E.; Afshari, A.; Berdel, H.O.; Yost, M.J.; Goodwin, R.L.; Friedman, H.I.; Eberth, J.F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Katrina Harmon via Scopus - Elsevier

Design and Fabrication of a Three-Dimensional in Vitro System for Modeling Vascular Stenosis

Microscopy and Microanalysis
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14358115 14319276
Contributors: Jones, R.S.; Chang, P.H.; Perahia, T.; Harmon, K.A.; Junor, L.; Yost, M.J.; Fan, D.; Eberth, J.F.; Goodwin, R.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
Katrina Harmon via Scopus - Elsevier