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Works (50 of 68)

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The role of rewards in motivation—Beyond dichotomies

Learning and Instruction
2025-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Kou Murayama
Source: check_circle

Differentiation in Cognitive Abilities Beyond g : The Emergence of Domain-Specific Variance in Childhood

Psychological Science
2025-03-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Robert Kalinowski; Drew H. Bailey
Source: check_circle

The Effect of Sequential Transition of Self-Regulated Learning Processes on Performance: Insights from Ordered Network Analysis

2025-03-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: Linxuan Zhao; Mladen Raković; Elizabeth B. Cloude; Xinyu Li; Dragan Gašević; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

Usage and performance declines in a classroom-integrated digital learning software over the course of an academic year

2025-03-03 | Conference paper
Contributors: Markus Wolfgang Hermann Spitzer; Lisa Bardach; Younes Strittmatter; Korbinian Moeller
Source: check_circle

How do Intellectually Curious and Interested People Learn and Attain Knowledge? A Focus on Behavioral Traces of Information Seeking

2025-02-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Aki Schumacher; Yvonne Kammerer; Christian Scharinger; Steffen Gottschling; Nicolas Hübner; Maike Tibus; Enkelejda Kasneci; Tobias Appel; Peter Gerjets; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

Cultural diversity climate in school: A meta-analytic review of its relationships with intergroup, academic, and socioemotional outcomes.

Psychological Bulletin
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Sebastian Röhl; Sophie Oczlon; Aki Schumacher; Marko Lüftenegger; Rosa Lavelle-Hill; Miriam Schwarzenthal; Steffen Zitzmann
Source: check_circle

From Clicks to Curiosity: Exploring Self-Directed Information Seeking as a Behavioral Manifestation of Curiosity

2024-12-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Aki Schumacher; Markus Spitzer; Hayley Jach; Yvonne Kammerer; Christian Scharinger; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

Peer Dislike and Future School Adjustment in Early Adolescence: Recognizing Consequences for both Boys and Girls

Child & Youth Care Forum
2024-11-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Lenka Kollerová; Tracy M. Sweet; Jung-Jung Lee; Lisa Bardach; Adam Klocek; Melanie Killen
Source: check_circle

Limes (the Roman Frontier): Developing a Video Game for History Learning

European Conference on Games Based Learning
2024-10-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Amedeo Viccari; Richard Göllner; Jens-Uwe Hahn; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

A Meta-Analysis on Teachers’ Growth Mindset

Educational Psychology Review
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Keiko C. P. Bostwick; Tim Fütterer; Myriel Kopatz; Daniel Memarpour Hobbi; Robert M. Klassen; Jakob Pietschnig
Source: check_circle

The Cultural Diversity Climate “Big Five” in Schools: Dimensions, Facets, and A Future Research Agenda

2024-09-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Miriam Schwarzenthal
Source: check_circle

Heterogeneity in Students’ Perceptions of Teaching Quality: A Marker of Adaptive Teaching?

2024-09-02 | Preprint
Contributors: Sebastian Röhl; Kyle Timothy Davison; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

The Role of Parent and Teacher Support in Students’ Academic Development: Changing Associations Over the Course of Adolescence or Always Important For All?

2024-08-16 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Karen Aldrup; Richard Göllner; Benjamin Nagengast; Ulrich Trautwein
Source: check_circle

Intelligent tutoring systems need real teachers

2024-08-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Korbinian Moeller; Miguel Ruiz-Garcia; Younes Strittmatter; Jennifer Meyer; Sebastian Musslick; Markus Spitzer
Source: check_circle

A red button does it all: An adaptive notification badge to nudge students to close their knowledge gaps in intelligent tutoring systems

2024-07-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Markus Spitzer; Korbinian Moeller; Eileen Richter; Luisa Frede; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

Open Access: Using video- and text-based situational judgement tests for teacher selection: a quasi-experiment exploring the relations between test format, subgroup differences, and applicant reactions

2024-07-24 | Book chapter
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Jade V. Rushby; Lisa E. Kim; Robert M. Klassen
Source: check_circle

Cultural Diversity Climate in School: A Meta-Analytic Review of Its Relationships With Intergroup, Academic, and Socioemotional Outcomes

2024-07-22 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Sebastian Röhl; Sophie Oczlon; Aki Schumacher; Marko Lüftenegger; Rosa Lavelle-Hill; Miriam Schwarzenthal; Steffen Zitzmann
Source: check_circle

Seeing the teacher through my peers' eyes? A social network study on adolescents' teaching quality perceptions

Trends in Neuroscience and Education
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Zsofia Boda; Claudia Neuendorf; Wolfgang Wagner; Kyle Davison; Ulrich Trautwein
Source: check_circle

Increased Performance in Tutoring Systems During COVID-19 in Uruguay

2024-06-19 | Preprint
Contributors: Markus Spitzer; Lisa Bardach; Myriel Kopatz; Korbinian Moeller
Source: check_circle

A Meta-Analysis on Teachers’ Growth Mindset

2024-06-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Keiko Bostwick; Tim Fütterer; Myriel Kopatz; Daniel Memarpour Hobbi; Robert M. Klassen; Jakob Pietschnig
Source: check_circle

Evaluating the content structure of intelligent tutor systems-a psychological network analysis

2024-05-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Markus Spitzer; Lisa Bardach; Younes Strittmatter; Jennifer Meyer; Korbinian Moeller
Source: check_circle

Differentiation in Cognitive Abilities Beyond g: The Emergence of Domain-Specific Variance in Childhood

2024-05-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Robert Kalinowski; Drew H Bailey
Source: check_circle

How do Intellectually Curious and Interested People Learn and Attain Knowledge? A Focus on Behavioral Traces of Information Seeking

2024-05-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Aki Schumacher; Yvonne Kammerer; Christian Scharinger; Steffen Gottschling; Nicolas Hübner; Maike Tibus; Enkelejda Kasneci; Tobias Appel; Peter Gerjets; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

How do Intellectually Curious and Interested People Learn and Attain Knowledge? A Focus on Behavioral Traces of Information Seeking

2024-05-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Aki Schumacher; Yvonne Kammerer; Christian Scharinger; Steffen Gottschling; Nicolas Hübner; Maike Tibus; Enkelejda Kasneci; Tobias Appel; Peter Gerjets; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

Curiosity overpowers cognitive effort avoidance tendencies

2024-04-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Markus Spitzer; Younes Strittmatter; Melvin Marti; Aki Schumacher; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

From Intellectual Investment Trait Theory to Dynamic Intellectual Investment Trait and State Theory: Theory extension, methodological advancement, and empirical illustration

Journal of Research in Personality
2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Julian Lohmann; Kai T. Horstmann; Steffen Zitzmann; Martin Hecht
Source: check_circle

A psychological network analysis to specify predictions of fraction subtopics on algebra subtopics in an intelligent tutoring system

2024-01-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Markus Spitzer; Lisa Bardach; Younes Strittmatter; Korbinian Moeller
Source: check_circle

Does students’ awareness of school-track-related stereotypes exacerbate inequalities in education?

npj Science of Learning
2023-12-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Claudia Neuendorf; Kou Murayama; Thorsten Fahrbach; Michel Knigge; Benjamin Nagengast; Ulrich Trautwein
Source: check_circle

Revisiting effects of teacher characteristics on physiological and psychological stress: a virtual reality study

Scientific Reports
2023-12-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Yizhen Huang; Eric Richter; Robert M. Klassen; Thilo Kleickmann; Dirk Richter
Source: check_circle

The Role of Rewards in Motivation--Beyond dichotomies

2023-11-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Kou Murayama
Source: check_circle

Seeing the teacher through my peers’ eyes? A social network study on adolescents' teaching quality perceptions

2023-10-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

Multiple Social and Academic Achievement Goals: Students’ Goal Profiles and Their Linkages

The Journal of Experimental Education
2023-10-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Martin Daumiller; Marko Lüftenegger
Source: check_circle

How Personality Matters for Education Research

Educational Psychology Review
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Hayley K. Jach; Lisa Bardach; Kou Murayama
Source: check_circle

From Intellectual Investment Trait Theory to Dynamic Intellectual Investment Trait and State Theory: Theory Development, Methodological Advancement, and Empirical Illustration

2023-09-12 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Julian F Lohmann; Kai Horstmann; Steffen Zitzmann; Martin Hecht
Source: check_circle

Self-regulated and externally regulated learning in adolescence: Developmental trajectories and relations with teacher behavior, parent behavior, and academic achievement.

Developmental Psychology
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Takuya Yanagida; Thomas Goetz; Hayley Jach; Reinhard Pekrun
Source: check_circle

Taking Another Look at Intelligence and Personality: An Eye-Tracking Approach

2023-05-07 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Aki Schumacher; Ulrich Trautwein; Enkelejda Kasneci; Maike Tibus; Franz Wortha; Peter Gerjets; Tobias Appel
Source: check_circle

How Personality Matters for Education Research

2023-04-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Hayley Jach; Lisa Bardach; Kou Murayama
Source: check_circle

Revisiting Effects of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Teacher Characteristics on Stress: A Virtual Reality Study

2023-03-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Yizhen Huang; Eric Richter; Robert M. Klassen; Thilo Kleickmann; Dirk Richter
Source: check_circle

Does students' awareness of school track-related-stereotypes exacerbate inequalities in education?

2022-12-31 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Claudia Neuendorf; Kou Murayama; Thorsten Fahrbach; Michel Knigge; Benjamin Nagengast; Ulrich Trautwein
Source: check_circle

Parents’ role construction for educational involvement and socioeconomic status: Relations to early adolescents’ academic self-concepts and achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics

2022-05-07 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Claudia Neuendorf; Sandra Grüter; Elke Wild; Franzisca Pia Hesse; Julia Gorges
Source: check_circle

Revisiting the intricate interplay between aggression and preadolescents’ school functioning: Longitudinal predictions and multilevel latent profiles.

Developmental Psychology
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Takuya Yanagida; Dagmar Strohmeier
Source: check_circle

Personality, Intelligence, and Academic Achievement: Charting their Developmental Interplay

2022-04-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Nicolas Hübner; Benjamin Nagengast; Ulrich Trautwein; Sophie von Stumm
Source: check_circle

Self-Regulated and Externally Regulated Learning in Adolescence: Developmental Trajectories and Relations with Teacher Behavior, Parent Behavior, and Academic Achievement

2022-04-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Takuya Yanagida; Thomas Goetz; Hayley Jach; Reinhard Pekrun
Source: check_circle

Understanding for Which Students and Classes a Socio-Ecological Aggression Prevention Program Works Best: Testing Individual Student and Class Level Moderators

Journal of Youth and Adolescence
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Takuya Yanagida; Petra Gradinger; Dagmar Strohmeier
Source: check_circle

Normative and appearance performance-approach goal structures: Two-level factor structure and external linkages

The Journal of Experimental Education
2022-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Takuya Yanagida; Robert M. Klassen; Marko Lüftenegger
Source: check_circle

The selection gap in teacher education: Adverse effects of ethnicity, gender, and socio‐economic status on situational judgement test performance

British Journal of Educational Psychology
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Jade V. Rushby; Robert M. Klassen
Source: check_circle

The power of feedback and reflection: Testing an online scenario-based learning intervention for student teachers

Computers & Education
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Robert M. Klassen; Tracy L. Durksen; Jade V. Rushby; Keiko C.P. Bostwick; Lynn Sheridan
Source: check_circle

Immigrant adolescents’ perceptions of cultural pluralism climate: Relations to self‐esteem, academic self‐concept, achievement, and discrimination

New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Sophie Oczlon; Lisa Bardach; Marko Lüftenegger
Source: check_circle

Examining teacher recruitment strategies in England

Journal of Education for Teaching
2021-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Robert M. Klassen; Jade V. Rushby; Tracy L. Durksen; Lisa Bardach
Source: check_circle

Using video- and text-based situational judgement tests for teacher selection: a quasi-experiment exploring the relations between test format, subgroup differences, and applicant reactions

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
2021-03-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Lisa Bardach; Jade V. Rushby; Lisa E. Kim; Robert M. Klassen
Source: check_circle
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Peer review (3 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for British journal of educational psychology. (3)