Personal information

Social network analysis, Graph data mining


Works (6)

Geo-Awareness of Learnt Citations Prediction for Scientific Publications (Demo Paper)

2023-11-13 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ce Li; Will Postler; Ian Johnson; Paul Brinkmann; Evan Gossling; Bailey Gorlewski; Goce Trajcevski
Source: check_circle

Simplifying Temporal Heterogeneous Network for Continuous-Time Link prediction

2023-10-21 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ce Li; Rongpei Hong; Xovee Xu; Goce Trajcevski; Fan Zhou
Source: check_circle

Heterogeneous dynamical academic network for learning scientific impact propagation

Knowledge-Based Systems
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Xovee Xu; Ting Zhong; Ce Li; Goce Trajcevski; Fan Zhou
Source: check_circle

Uncertainty‐aware network alignment

International Journal of Intelligent Systems
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Fan Zhou; Ce Li; Zijing Wen; Ting Zhong; Goce Trajcevski; Ashfaq Khokhar
Source: check_circle

Rumor Detection on Social Media with Event Augmentations

Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
2021-07-11 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Ce Li

A Heterogeneous Dynamical Graph Neural Networks Approach to Quantify Scientific Impact

2020-03-26 | Preprint
Part of ARXIV: arXiv:2003.12042v1
Source: Self-asserted source
Ce Li