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Dr. Xiangguo Sun is now working as a postdoctoral research fellow at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (supervised by Prof. Hong Cheng). Before that, he received his Ph.D. in 2022 from Southeast University (supervised by Prof. Bo Liu) with the Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Jiangsu Province. In the same year, he visited Zhejiang Lab as a visiting researcher hosted by Chief Scientist Prof. Hongyang Chen. From Sep 2021 to Jan 2022, he worked as a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) with Dr. Hang Dong and Bo Qiao, and won the ``Award of Excellence'' in the Stars of Tomorrow Program. From Sep 2019 to Sep 2021, he came to Australia as a 2-year joint Ph.D. student at The University of Queensland, supervised by ARC Future Fellow Prof. Hongzhi Yin.
His current research interests include online social networks, especially responsible network learning issues in social network analytics. He has published 18 CORE A*, 15 CCF A, and 17 SCI (including 8 IEEE Trans), some of which appear in SIGKDD, VLDB, The Web Conference (WWW), TKDE, ICLR, TOIS, IJCAI, WSDM, TNNLS, CIKM, etc. He won the Best Research Paper Award at KDD'23, which was the first time for Hong Kong and Mainland China. He was recognized as the "Social Computing Rising Star" (社会计算青年学者新星) in 2023 from CAAI (中国人工智能学会).