Personal information
Bin Li obtained his Bachlor degree in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST, China) in 2006 and a PhD degree in Thermal Energy Engineering from HUST in 2012. After that, he did about 2 years of post-doc research in State Key Laboratary of Coal Combustion (SKLCC) in HUST. And then, he moved to Curtin Unversity (Australia) and worked as a visiting research sholoar and post-doc for nearly 4 years. In July 2018, he jioned Jiangsu University (China) as a full time professor. His main research interest is to efficiently convert biomass residues/organic solid wastes to value added energy, carbon-based materials and chemicals via thermochemical routes. He has profound experiences in fundamental research, technology development, scaling up and commercialization.