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gender studies, Middle ages, humanism, medieval literature, literatura medieval


Maria Morras is associate Professor of Spanish Literature at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF Barcelona), accredited in 2017 as Full Professor. PhD at Univ California Berkeley and at the Univ Autónoma of Barcelona. Visiting professor at Univ California Berkeley, Università di Pavia, U de Ferrara, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Univ. of Chicago and Special Lecturer and College Tutor at Oxford; Visiting Researcher at Univ of Cambridge, Univ California Berkeley of Nottingham and Queen Mary (UL). Her research interests focus on Iberian Middle Ages, from the reception of Classical tradition and the introduction of Humanism in 15th.-c. Spain (Los libros de Tulio de Alfonso de Cartagena, 1996; Ética para cada día, 2000, Manifiestos del Humanismo, 2002, Arsitotle for laymen, with J. Lawrance) to cancionero poetry (Poesía completa de Jorge Manrique, 2002), with incursions in Golden Age theater (editions of Lope de Vega’s theater in 1997, 2003, 2010). Her work is oriented to the exploration of the history of ideas, and the role of literature in shaping and responding to intellectual and historical contexts. Her current research deals on forms of female sanctity and its relation to political power (Coord. of Ser mujer y santa, Medievalia, 2015; with R. Sanmartin, Santa Teresa, Quinientos Años después, and also with R. Sanmartín, Gender and Exemplarity in Medieval an Early Modern Spain, Brill, 2020; ed. caliming Female Authority, Brepols, 2021; Books and Women: Transmissions and transformations, Rotuledge, 2021). She has published also over 60 articles on textual criticism, Humanism, translations in the Middle Ages, wisdom literature, female sainthood and digital humanities in national and international journals. Editorial Boards/regular peer reviewer: Anuario Lope de Vega, Dicenda, Troianaalexandria, Revista de poética medieval, Revista de Literatura Medieval, Revista de Literatura, Cuadernos de tradução, Erasmo, La Corónica, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Medievalia, Magnificat, etc.; Verveuert-Iberoamericana, CILENGUA., Tamesis Member of the Scientific Board of The Mediterranean Seminar (UC, Berkeley & Santa Cruz-Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (UNED, Madrid). PI of a Project on “The Emergence of Female Authority in Spain (1400-1550): Convent and court” (FFI2015-63625-C2-1-P).
At the institutional level, has served as Director of European and Hispanic Studies-Study Abroad (2002-2004), vice-dean Academic Affairs (2002-2004), Chair Dept. of Humanities (2004), Vicerector for International Relations and Postgraduate Studies (2004-2008, 2008-2010), Rector’s Delegate for the Internationalization of Doctoral Studies (2010-2012), President of Commission for Gender Equality (2006-2010); President of the Board for Academic Affairs at the Institut d’Educació Contínua-UPF (2009-2010); ibid., member (2010-2016) at the UPF. She is currently consultant in research and academic staff in the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya), and of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain, (ANECA). She is also consultant in the National Agency for Evaluation and Propective (ANEP) and formerly, at the Council for Doctoral Studies at the European Univ. Ass. (2010-2013), and the European Advisory Board – ETS (2011-2014).


Works (5)

Licia Buttà, Jesús Carruesco, Francesc Massip y Eva Subías (eds.), Danses imaginades, danses relatades. Paradigmes iconogràfics del ball des de l’Antiguitat clàssica fins l’Edat Mitjana

2017-04-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Maria Morras
Source: check_circle

Being Women and Saint (Iberia, 15th-17th Centuries)

2015-11-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Maria Morras; María M Morras
Source: check_circle

El "ball de la mort" de Carbonell: una danza macabra cortesana

2014 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Morras

Vir bonus dicendi peritus studies in honor of Charles B. Faulhaber.

2014 | Book
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Morras

Coluccio Salutati en España: la versión romance de las Declamationes Lucretiae.

2010 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Maria Morras

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Humanities. (1)
Review activity for Journal of medieval religious cultures. (1)