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He has joined the magnetoplasmonic lab (IMM-CNM-CSIC) with a JAE predoc scholarship (2008 call) with which he was financed the rest of the doctoral thesis. During it, he has made the fabrication and characterization of magnetoplasmonic multilayers based on the combination of noble metals (Ag and Au) and ferromagnetic metals (Co and Fe) for their application in biosensors and telecommunications. It is also worth mentioning the completion of several stays (almost 3 months in total) at the IMM (CNR) in Lecce, Italy funded by the JAE preDOC grant and the nanoICT Exchange Visit program. The results obtained in these stays gave rise to several publications for the use of magnetoplasmonic materials as sensors. After his doctoral fellowship, he presented and defended his thesis in the Department of Applied Physics of the
University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), obtaining the qualification of Outstanding CUM LAUDE (october 2012).
Later, he joined the condensed matter laboratory leaded by Professor Francisco Rivadulla at CIQUS (USC) as a postdoctoral researcher. Hired by a European project (Starting Grant) for the design of new thermoelectric devices based on nanostructures in the form of multilayers modulated by field of highly correlated electron systems (2DTHERMS). During these two years he published three scientific articles and made several international papers (APS March Meeting, E-MRS...).
At the end of these two years, he made a 2-year stay abroad in the prestigious laboratory of Jean-Marc Triscone (University of Geneva) funded with a postdoctoral grant from the Xunta de Galicia (year 2014) to finally return to the Rivadulla group in the third year of the scholarship (2017).
Back to Rivadulla group, he worked as an associate researcher involved in thermal and thermoelectric conductivity measurements in two-dimensional oxides in the CIQUS hired in charge of different research projects; and he teach as an assistant professor in the department of Chemistry-Physics in the USC. He also co- supervised a final degree project in Chemistry (2017-2018) and taught several training seminars to PhD students (2018).
Importantly, he has obtained the Profesor Contratado Doctor acreditation by ANEP. Last year, he has continued the improvement of his skills as a postdoc at bionanomechanics lab at Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología (IMN-CSIC). The optomechanics topic is very complementary to extend his expertises and to acquire new tools for characterizing this oxide multilayers as biosensors. Concerning teaching, he has co-supervised two students of Physics degree bachelor ( Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) within 100 hours at the lab for practices out of the university.