Personal information
Prof. Luigi Landini
Department of Information Engineering, Pisa, Italy
Fondazione G. Monasterio, Via Moruzzi, 1 5614 Pisa, Italia;
SCOPUS ID 25422522900
H index: 35 (Scopus)
Total citations: 4089
Full Professor in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa
Head of Department of Innovation and Technologies, Fondazione CNR-Regione Toscana G Monasterio, Pisa
Chairmen of Bachelor and Master degrees in Biomedical Engineering and Master degree in Bionics Engineering, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa
MSc degree in Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Pisa in 1974. In 1981 he joined the Engineering Faculty of Pisa as Assistant Professor. From 1981 to 1988 he was member of the European working group on ‘Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization and Echographic Imaging’. In 1982 he was invited to join Visiting Research Associate Professor of Physics at the Washington University in St. Louis (USA) in the field of Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization. From 1993 to 1996 he joined the EU Concerted Action (project BIOMED1) on Pharmacologic stress echocardiography and from 1995 to 1996 he was scientific coordinator of a EU ESPRIT-CAPRI project on: ‘A parallel computer-based system for dynamic 3D (4D) medical image processing’. In 1997 he was expert at the EU Commission for RTD projects on the theme ‘Information Access and interfaces’. Since 1998 he is Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Engineering Faculty of Pisa and he teaches biomedical signal and image processing at Biomedical Engineering degree at the University of Pisa.
He is engaged in research on biomedical signal and image processing. He is author of more then 250 publications on modeling and analysis of biomedical signal and images.
SITUM (Italian Society for Ultrasonic Tecnologies in Medicine): member of the scientific committee (1980-82).
FORMED (Foundation for medical and tecnological research): member of the scientific committee (since 1994).
INBB (National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems): member (since 2000).
IEEE EMBS Member (2015)
Member of the organizing committee of the 37th annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology in Milan (Italy) (2015).
1988: Guest Editor of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, special issue: ‘Actual questions of the ultrasound diagnostic’ .
2005: Co-Editor of the book: Advanced Imaging Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press 2005, Signal Processing and Communications Series. Vol. 27.
2008: Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the National Congress of Bioengineering, Pisa, July, 3-5, 2008, Patron Editor
Since 2008: Co-Executives Guest Editor of the issues: ‘Modifying Cardiovascular Risk Factors’, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Bentham Science.
2009: Editor of the book: Multimodal approach to human brain function assessment, PLUS-Pisa University Press, ISBN: 978-88-8492-570-1
Since 2020: member of the Editorial Board of Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292) - section Bioelectronics
1981-1984: Member of the Working Group on BME and Scientific Coordinator of Expert Meetings at the EU, Project: Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization.
March 1982: Visiting Research Associate Professor of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis (USA) Prof. J.G. Miller, for Research on Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization.
1984-1987: Member of the Working Group on BME and Scientific Coordinator of Expert Meetings at the EU, Project: Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization and Echographic Imaging.
April 1987: Visiting at the Institute of Applied Biophysics, University of Halle. Project: Ultrasonic Tissue Differentiation.
1987-1990: Member for the scientific and technical coommettee for the cooperation between the Halle University (Deutch Democratic Republic) and the Faculty of Engineering in Pisa, on ‘Modelling of ultrasonic speckle’.
May 1990: Scientific Evaluator for the Italian Ministery of Research of scientific projects developed at Tel Aviv Technological University in Tel Aviv, Israel.
August 1993: Visiting at Royal Brompton National Heart and Lung Hospital Magnetic Resonance Unit in London on Physics of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Dr. D. Firmin
In 1997-98: Member of Expert Board and Committee on ‘Information Access and Interfaces’ at the EU, Bruxelles.
August 1998: Visiting at the Department of Radiology, University of Cambridge and Addenbrooke’s Hospital (UK) on Cardiac Magnetic Imaging program, Dr. M Graves
Since 1982: Reviewer of EU projects on Biomedical Engineering.